Mabel S.

I've been in this complex since November of 2015. Initially, I would have given a full 5 stars. I've lived in many places in the bay area, and have visited almost all of them. I thought this was it... The one! After a couple months, this is what we've seen: Safety: (please skip if you don't feel like reading my life story, and sorry for the length) I've had THREE thefts from my patio since moving in. I still don't know who is committing these crimes, however, someone is jumping into my patio, climbing into my space and stealing my stuff. Although the items are relatively small and inexpensive, I've felt extremely unsafe here. I've decided it's finally time to tell management. Christine has been my point of contact. I can't say that she's been pleasant to work with. I've asked to see what they could do, for any advice, and Ive asked if we could transfer to a unit where the patio and apartment is not as accessible to criminals and strangers. Her response was that she will tell her team, and alert the security guy who does only 4 checks throughout the night. Let's just point out that she thinks 4 checks throughout a 10 hour window will lead the security man to catch the criminal. Cool. I then asked again if we could transfer units. Her response is that there are too many folks moving in/out, causing that to be a problem. Sure? And then she points out that she noticed my "patio light has been burning throughout the night which is a great sign". She thinks it will deter the criminal. Unfortunately, my patio light wasn't even on. And I don't think a light being on will scare anyone, it will just make it easier for them to see what they are stealing. Lastly, she got extremely defensive when I said "I'm glad I got a response at all" (meaning I'm glad she had the time to write back, since she's so busy with all the people moving in and out). She took it as me calling her unresponsive, and that's when the rude emails started. All in all, her response to my fear of my safety is essentially useless. Noise: This place really isn't that bad when referring to noise. Everyone keeps to themselves, is fairly respectful of one another, and the amount of kids is minimal. My only issue is the noise you hear of every. single. flush. made by the upstairs unit. The walls are SO thin- you literally hear the water rushing in the pipes in the walls. And they are loud AF! Parking: Simply, it sucks. Amenities: Wonderful! It's pretty clean, they have a lot of cool stuff, and my dog loves the freaking dog park. No complaints. Management: When I first checked this place out, a lovely woman, Jahmai, helped me out. She is by far the best person I've dealt with while searching for an apartment. Unfortunately, she's not the main person working the management front. Get ready for about 5 emails a week from management about an inspection, or inspection reschedule, or a lost dog, or "courtesy reminder" to not leave anything on your patio, or to ask you to close your garage door. Basically every little damn thing. Thanks Christine. Unfortunately, those emails mean nothing. I've seen the same car parked in a "no parking" spot for a week straight. I've seen boxes and weird crap on people's balcony's and patios for months. I've seen the same cooler and cardboard in the garages for weeks. What are the emails even for. Conclusion, I hate that I didn't love this place. The potential is there. And I really wanted to love it forever.