Liz L.

1 star for this place is all it deserves. If you are thinking of leasing in this complex, please read the following and think carefully. I am giving it 1 because of my personal experience. Pros : - Conveniently located near 280, Skyline Blvd, fairly close (1o min drive) to BART, and other great things such as Philz Coffee, etc. - Covered swimming pool - Clean workout facility - Great view on clear days - Apartments alone are AESTHETICALLY pleasing (nice floors, cabinets, layout is fine, plenty of space considering apartment living, washer/dryer in unit, etc) Cons : - Paper thin floors. You can hear everything, and same goes for the people living above or below. I minus well be on or watch a reality TV show feeling like everyone can hear me and vice versa. - Parking. What parking? EXCEEDINGLY INCONVENIENT when you have a friend over for a visit (even for 30 minutes). They say to come get a guest pass for parking, but there are only 7 stalls (or something close to that) for the entire complex and it's always the same cars parked there. If you think you can just park in the neighborhood, forget that too. And if you even think about trying to buy an additional parking stall, they will suck you dry of money for that alone. $$$$$ - It's FREEZING. COLD. ABNORMALLY cold. Ridiculously freezing to the point where even my brother will come over (after looking for parking in the neighborhood for 30 minutes) and ask if my heating bill has been cut. I've been in the office and heard other tenants complaining about the temperatures, and staff says, "Feel free to turn on the heaters." Even when you do, this means an absurd amount of money all for heating bills to pay throughout the seasons. $$$$$ - Management talks to tenants with their ears closed. Yes they are super nice, but no matter what you say they will never consider your point of view, ever. I've talked to some neighbors and they agree. The cons are sticking out to me more and more as so inconvenient for day-to-day living. As mentioned above there are nice things about the place, but it's like dating a guy that's smoking hot because it's convenient and he's eye candy, but when it comes down to substantial things that matter in a relationship - forget it. If this complex treated its tenants like human beings, then management would act with little more compassion than a robot, then maybe there would actually be more reviews for this place, and good ones at that. No reviews have more than 3 stars - most people would think twice about eating at a place that had 1-2 stars, but this is a living situation. I understand that apartment living isn't always going to be 100% to someone's liking, but the insulation is a joke.