Diana D.

This place has actually gotten worse. Here is what $3200 gets you for a 1 bedroom in the middle of a pandemic: - Dog pee in the stairwell (see picture below... I took this last week) - Rude and racist staff. There are definately different resident rules based on your race/nationality. I will say this feedback excludes the repair and cleaning staff. They are lovely! - Inconsiderate neighbors that make working from home unbearable due to loud banging and stomping pretty much all day everyday - Lost and delayed packages. The package locker system (parcel pending) has always been a nightmare. 9 times out of 10 your packages will just be left on the floor for anyone to take. - Unresponsive and rude community manager - Random fire alarms in the middle of the night Let's just say I can't wait for my lease to end so I can move out. Also ... Aimco please don't feel the need to respond to my post. I've reached out directly several times about these issues and nothing is ever resolved.