Derek D.

If you can afford the Palazzo East, then you can afford to live somewhere better. We lived here for two years. The first year was great. It was quiet, clean, and the staff was super helpful. Any issues we had were resolved quickly. Year one was five stars. I'm not sure what happened in year two, whether the property changed owners or management but things changed. The property became loud and noisy. Dog excrement became a frequent sight around the property, even in the hallway of our building. The halls begun to stink of weed and cigarette smoke. Then, came the roaches. We reported seeing roaches and a few days later, an exterminator came in. They sprayed, told us to wait a week or so and alert the office if they came back. They did come back, we let the Palazzo East office know, and several days later they got back to us. An exterminator came out, the problem didn't go away, so we reported it again. This time it was a couple of weeks to get a response. An exterminator came back, then so did the roaches so we reported it again to silence. We finally found a new place to move but didn't hear anything about the roach problem for a month while we also waited to be let out of our lease. I know that it wasn't just us because the last two months we were there, the vacant apartment next to us was being sprayed for bugs weekly and they exterminator mentioned coming to Palazzo East regularly. That neglect on the part of Palazzo East to fix their roach problem led to us having to throw away all of our living room set because we found roaches in them when we moved. Like I said, if you can afford to live here, you can afford something better.