S R.

I just moved from here. The main reason is because I didn't feel safe. There were many times that staff and other people tried to get into my locked apartment without my consent or prior knowledge. Some of them worked for the Palazzo and some of them did not (The Bug Man, for instance), but they all had a key. I even came home once to a maintenance person in my apartment who was not scheduled. When I complained to management, they didn't seem to see what the immediate problem was, forget the bigger picture that random vendors from all around LA are given master keys to literally everyone's apartment on grounds. They can do whatever they want with those keys. It's not safe for your body or for your things. In the same vein, the amount of times they did schedule people to work in your apartment is insane. Management makes it clear that you are just a tenant, and it is their space, not your home. No consideration is given to stop the constant entering. They'll say that they'll try to schedule you for this or that inspection (way too many) or for the work (that never actually needs) to be done, but they don't actually do it or cancel unnecessary repairs or additions. I honestly don't know how people living there now are ok with strangers coming into their space all the time, with access to their keys. Other important issues I've had while living there include: -my apartment's bathroom flooded with sewage, and I know I'm not the only one so this is a plumbing issue that hasn't been addressed. -No one (guests and deliveries) could actually find my apartment because everything on grounds looks the same. -The noise between apartments is incredibly loud, even when people are just walking -I've seen roaches and silverfish and mice on grounds I've brought up all these issues multiple times to the management. The managem is extremely useless and sometimes, flat out rude. They don't do anything to address concerns and are the corporation, AIMCO, is extremely cold. You are just a number to them, not a person. I would avoid living in the Palazzo or any place run by AIMCO like the plague. In response to the comments made by Andy: It doesn't really matter if you think that the vendors you use are reputable. The fact is, is that too many random people have access to everyone's keys. If someone broke into an apartment using a key they copied, you wouldn't even know where to begin to trace it. Not only that, those strangers are allowed to enter with the building's permission to do whatever they want around my personal things and as much as we complain, we are not allowed to stop it. Also, there were many times that consent was NOT obtained at all, yet either a vendor or member of the staff entered into my apartment. Which we both know is illegal and we both know you did. And despite the courtesy staff having maps and the buildings being labeled by extremely small numbers on signs, everyone gets lost. Also, did everyone notice he did not address the plumbing or bug issue? Probably because they know both are problems they can't talk their way out of based on pics on yelp and everyone's experiences living there. The Palazzo made my life hell and I would steer clear of living on their property or any Aimco property.