A V.

10 reasons not to live at Palazzo apartments: 1. Dog waste everywhere many residents just leave it there. 2. Dog urine regularly in lifts. 3. Dogs off their leads all the time when this is strictly forbidden, it won't be long before someone is bitten. 4. Dogs roam around the pool jumping on beds when it is strictly forbidden. 5. Pool heating has broken down twice in as many months and you are not notified until you put your toe in the water - try explaining why you can't swim to a 2 year old. 6. Pool area a wasteland after 5pm of diapers, food waste, much of it in the pool. 7. No action taken by management when a neighbor below us regularly displays violent, harassing, threatening and aggressive behavior to us, including climbing up from his balcony with a stick to try to break our windows - apartments are poorly constructed and regular living causes noise below, most people understand, many don't - we are now in the process of getting a restraining order. 8. Recent shooting and stabbing of 2 residents leaves us with a feeling of being vulnerable and unsafe. 9. Gym and spa area poorly maintained/cleaned. 10. Service requests for maintenance items that previously were sorted within 24 hours are now regularly 72 hours.