Karrie W.

There are so many things wrong with this place, but one of the worst offenses is their continual lack of regard for privacy. I have been a renter for twenty two years and I have never experienced anything like this. I am friends with my neighbors, and we have all agreed that AIMCO completely abuses their right to enter into the units. On average, they enter into the apts three times a month, and at the most (so far) it has been ELEVEN TIMES a month. I don't know what it's for except for services that I don't want (AT&T - which gives AIMCO kickback), and "improvements" that we never see. They also enter to constantly check the fire alarms or service them. My guess is they're too cheap to install something that actually works. I don't like strange men coming into my space and working constantly. They even go into the closets. It is unreasonable and intrusive. Speaking of management's lack of regard for privacy, it has trickled down to the maintenance staff who also enter whenever they want. They illegally enter units and I have been told "oops, wrong apartment" after they used a key to open my door while I was home. Management also gives your key out to random vendors. The AT&T guys that were installing fiber in the building had my key.. WHY? The security guards, as nice as they are, don't do anything. They watch all the cars go in and out of the gates and don't check them to see if they live there. Some actually look like they're pretending they don't see people driving into the gate who don't belong. The whole privacy and security situation is unsettling. The security gates have also been broken and wide open for weeks at a time for people to come in and out as they please. With the amount of issues involving shootings and murders here, you would think they would be more careful. Another completely unsettling thing about the management here is that they are completely aware of things wrong with the building, but chose not to fix them. For example, there is something wrong with the plumbing here. The garage pipes leak sewage (I saw the AIMCO person try and dispute someone else's review that had that in it, but it is true, I have seen the pipes labeled SEWER leaking MULTIPLE TIMES), and every apartments' sinks flood with sewage at one point or another. Management is completely aware of this, yet no action is taken to fix or prevent it. Scroll through the reviews, you will see pictures of backed up sinks. It recently happened to me and it is absolutely disgusting. The management team doesn't respond to e-mails or phone calls, or even pick up their phones at all for that manner. Don't get conned into a lease here. It is pretty on the outside, but once something arises that shouldn't be happening and you bring it to AIMCO, you will see that you are treated like crap. They act like they're doing a favor by taking your money. And you work hard for your money, so you should live somewhere where you'll be treated with some respect for spending it. Yelp should make zero stars an option just for this place! *In response to George's comments* I am VERY UNFORTUNATELY a lease holder and have in fact received all of the of emails about the fire alarms. I also have ELEVEN emails and notices in one month about entering my apartment for fire alarms, at&t installations, and various other things. So please do not assure me of anything false, especially when I have proof. If anyone is interested in seeing those ELEVEN notices for entry, please message me. Also in regards to "the exact opposite of my thinking"... let's be honest here, there is a reason that the fire installations needed to happen. What we had before did not work (alarms constantly going off at all hours of the day and night), and since cheaping out is aimco's MO, yes, I am thinking that these new ones won't be top of the line either. About entering my closets for BOTH fire sprinklers and at&t installation, it was NOT COMMUNICATED to me. I was communicated that it would be happening, not that it would be as intrusive as it was. Also, what code is there for a yearly fire sprinkler inspection? None. You get a cheaper rate for your insurance at the expense of your residents' privacy. But you don't care, you can save a buck! And yes, the CRIMES I mentioned happened years ago, one by a non resident on grounds. Since then, the "courtesy attendants" who are apparently not security (lol) even though they respond to noise complaints and the ones that do their jobs (ie Sam), actually check cars going in and out of the gates, have been even more lax since the violent gun crimes. George, stop trying to deflate the comments by residents. We are on the ground level and have proof for our claims. We have all gone to the management multiple times for complaints before posting on public forums. Our concerns are not addressed or mostly, even acknowledged, and then we are basically called liars by you. Not a good look, George. Not good PR at all, aimco.