Amanda Nicole V.

It is 8 in the evening and I am sitting here in my apartment, basically an ashtray, not enjoying my self at all, my neighbors can't stop smoking, between the marijuana and cigarettes it has become unbearable. My mouth is dry, my couch and clothes smell like I am a smoker, and my apartment that I pay an exorbitant amount to live in smells like an ashtray. I have complained 10. 20. 30 times already about my neighbors and smoking weed and cigarette violations have been proven a ridiculous amount if times yet, they haven't been evicted , like they are supposed to be after multiple violatiins, just fined a few dollars, like it means anything to fine a resident who can afford a 10 thousand dollar apt, a couple bucks. Do not move here if you value your health. Getting out as fast as I van when lease is up.