Justin K.

Pretty much a nightmare from the moment we moved in. The woman who showed us the apartment made sure to point out that the complex was non-smoking and assured us that any construction or renovations would be nowhere near our unit. Besides, the walls were thick and we should not have any issues with noise. None of this could have been further from the truth. The cigarette and pot smoke wafting from other units is intrusive and constant, despite numerous complaints to management (by several tenants, not just us). The neighbors above us regularly get into loud domestic disputes through the night, even leading to the husband being arrested recently. Management is apparently completely unaware of these issues, despite, again, contacting them about the noise levels. Other grievances include: construction (which we were assured would happen nowhere near us) often happening on holidays, weekends, and before 8 am Management taking out rent from our direct deposit twice in one month. Fine, a mistake. But instead of crediting us for the following month as promised, they simply took out rent again. And then claimed they had no record of the double rent from before. We asked to discontinue direct deposit after this, and were assured that it would be stopped. It hasn't. An alarm going off in the parking garage nonstop for 18 hours. When we mentioned this to management a couple days later, they "were unaware of any such incident." Trying to get cable/internet installed was quite an ordeal, as they were unable to enter the electrical room when they arrived. Maintenance informed us that the key was lost or stolen. They did not seem to understand how this could be a problem, or particularly concerned about replacing the key. It took an extra two weeks to finally get cable/internet. I could go on. A couple isolated incidents I can understand, no one is perfect. But this is just one thing after another. And management is aggressively ignorant of any problem, with no communication among employees. We are told one thing by a leasing agent, then something completely contradictory by the property manager. It is simply exhausting. The grounds are pretty. We were suckered. Please do not make the same mistake. Rent literally anywhere else. Palazzo is a hole.