Heather F.

BEWARE! READ ALL BELOW! SCAM COMPANY! I AM OUT $1100 for wasting my time and energy on this poorly managed company with employees who have no prior training and no ethics. Andy Tanner will belittle you via email so have fun with that, but don't let his rude communication via email make you think you're in the wrong because a true leader of a company would do their best to fix any issue regardless of the situation. He prides himself on customer service, but I have a chain of emails that would make people cringe coming from a person who leases apartments... I'm sorry, but I don't want people to ever go through the nightmare that I have had this week with AIMCO employees and Palazzo East Apartments. Don't let the "luxury" amenities trick you and read previous yelp reviews before setting up a tour here because there's so many BETTER places in Los Angeles that will be respectful and act ethically. please read below. $1100 charge straight to their account and it will almost be an entire week without receiving my money back. They make you wait an apparent 10 days after "application" for money they fail to tell you they are taking before being approved. Has anyone seen their brochure? It says $1000(on approved credit) and they claim they don't mislead? Only getting $1000 back because we did an "application" that was "denied" that costs $100. The manager could not even send me confirmation that I approved this charge, but threatened me with saying he'd contact local law enforcement because I am making this up? They never sent us any confirmation that our application even existed by the way. Most apartments send immediate documentation..we would know we got a place just as expensive down the street the next day with the same credit, same income, just the two of us with no hassle or unauthorized charges. Luckily, we could scrape together money for an actual holding deposit that was not taken prior to approval, but I'm still waiting on my hard earned money that should have never been taken in the first place from Aimco. Can you imagine if every apartment took $1000 without telling you or having youl you Ty sign your signature while applying for an apartment without disclosing that in the beginning of the application. I would have left had I known! Message me for more details on my experience with terrible management and attacks via email from Aimco's supposed "manager" who fake advertises that he first No credit ran or verified, 0 documentation sent to us regarding anything about our "denied application" that the manager said he would expose because I said I'd be telling my large LA network about this place. That actually happened. It is actually comical that a leasing manager would say that. I'm not ashamed of a denied application nor was that ever the issue. I am actually relieved that I dodged a bullet with this apartment complex and Aimco! For the record, incase Aimco still wants to email attack me- all I wanted was my money back, but they are taking their sweet time when it's been sitting in their account all week. Funny how that works right? ? Message me for questions! GOOD LUCK! Stay away from Palazzo!! I promise you. This place will not get any better as long as they have employees who act like you're beneath them.