Jade N.

WARNING: This place sells itself like its some fancy place worthy of the price and full of amenities--- FALSE!!! This place has a quick turn around of randoms & countless times I've heard some serious domestic situations echoing through the halls with no security showing up. Speaking of security-- what security? Honestly, the guards at the gate are far more of an inconvenience than a security measure. The back gate, where I enter to get to building 3, was broken and wide open for a month and when they FINALLY fixed it- no ones clickers worked and nearly 2 weeks later they still can't be bothered to fix it. When I tried to get them to reprogram the remotes they switched out my remotes & then neither the exterior gate worked and then the interior parking gate wouldn't work, so I was worse off than I was before it started! Not to mention, they can't even be bothered to put your name in the call box for your guests & it's been over a year since we've lived here- calling, emailing every month only to be met with no results, just excuses and avoidance. They FORCE you into Direct TV & then the service is HORRIBLE- you pay for all the bells and whistles and they just can't deliver, but you can't switch providers because of some deal they have with a 3rd party company *which charges you again and again for coming out to "fix" things that continue to malfunction- it's a total rip off. And they don't care-- management couldn't care less that they continuously don't live up to the stated perks of being here. Once you sign your lease, it's basically a fuck you, good luck attitude behind false polite smiles of incompetent people, who don't know the first thing about how to make this a safe and convenient residence that lives up to the list of perks you think you get for paying the price. Oh, and the WORST PART... They can come into your apartment whenever they want, to do whatever they want, whether your home or not, whether you agree to have something done on a day where you can be there-- NOPE. Just constant notes saying "Hey we're letting you know we're gonna bust into your apartment to do 'upgrades' *which you don't ever see* at such & such a date/time." PERIOD. They don't care about your schedule, your privacy, your security. They couldn't care less. Just give us your money & fuck you. OHHHH and did I mention the constant sound of sirens & vacuums that surround your every waking moment. Don't worry, that's free. Lastly, after not living up to the list of things you pay for, they raise your rent every year... more than the 5% allowed by law & ride your ass for months leading up to the lease being up, wanting you to commit to staying, or let them show off your apartment while your gone to potential new buyers. No one stays here for long because it's secretly a semi-shady environment with no consideration given by management to live up to their listed amenities.