Andy W.

What a mistake it was to signup for a 1-year lease at Palazzo East. BEWARE! BEWARE! If you are asian, you will constantly face passive and active racism. I signed up after this Asian sales lady showed me around. The complex is clean and beautiful, although I think it could be better at such high rent. They charge extra for little amenities, like bringing friends to the gym or $250 for additional parking spot. VERY EXPENSIVE! Rent itself is very high, almost $3000 per month for one-bedroom apartment. YIKES!! The people at the office are nice and friendly towards everyone, but the few asian residents. The residents themselves are a whole another story. I have heard on more than one occasion, of residents making fun of the very few Asian residents that live in this complex. Racist jokes and passive racism towards Asians is pervasive at Palazzo east. This is definitely NOT a friendly community for Asians. Do not be fooled by the asian sales lady who works in the office. I'd rather live across the street in Park La Brea, where the rent is half ($1900 for 2 bedroom) and I never have to deal with racism. I have asian friends who live in Park La Brea and they love it there. They also have heard stories of racism coming from Palazzo East. They have another location Palazzo West, I don't know if it is any better. IF YOU ARE ASIAN and don't want to deal with the constant racism on a daily basis; at the pool, in the elevator, in the parking garage, at the gym, at the rental office, or just in general from most residents, then DO NOT MOVE HERE. I'd love to move out now, but they charge ridiculous amounts of money to terminate the lease. Cannot wait until August, when my lease is up ... If you are White or Persian, this place will be perfect for you.