Jared M.

So I don't write reviews but I have to protect people from moving here. I normally think that people are just trying to be hateful, but be warned. I have lived here since May 2013. I moved here because I needed a wheelchair accessible place. Here is all the horrible things that have happened to me. 1. cigarettes thrown on to my balcony from neighbors above 2. lighters and matches thrown onto balcony 3. dirty underwear thrown on balcony 4. glass ashtray broken onto balcony 5. 2 umbrellas burned from cigarette buts 6. dirty water thrown onto me while on my balcony 7. kids spit on me from above 8. Just this weekend a neighbor high on weed broke water sprinkler and flooded his apartment, mine and someone else's damaging a lot making us move to hotel 9. After my leg amputation, I was stuck on the wheelchair lift 10. You can hear every footstep above you 11. When it rains or when unit above has washer problem, my front door gets flooded with water making it hard to get out 12. Management gives a lot of false promises 13. The Aimco company does not care about the tenant just getting their checks 14. The security guards let anyone come in. They do not call you to get permission 15. The call boxes in the garage are broken, and the door is just left open or you have to go downstairs to let people in 16. The community door to let into the property is open, and don't need a key to get in 17. Dog poop all over the place 18. The pool is not heated and is cold 19. Rude neighbors making loud noises at all hours 20. I could go on but I hope this helps you understand I would not move here. Lease is up in August of next year and I will not be here again. Palazzo West 6220 W 3rd St Los Angeles, CA 90036 I live in building 4 if that helps people And Aimco, please do not respond to this on what you can do to help, because even your General Manager above the 3 properties here could not help me. All you will get here is sorry..........