Gregg R.

I love my apartment and the building itself is pretty nice (there are always apartment living problems), but the "spa" and "fitness center" is a nightmare. "East" is always a mess. I've heard "West" is no better. But the real problem is the staff. The regular attendants are pretty friendly, but the manager is a real piece of work. If you can avoid ever having anything to do with him, I highly recommend that route. He is rude, dismissive, and downright mean - huge chip on his shoulder, and always some sort of "I've got limited power in this particular situation, so I am going to use it to its full extent" attitude. Anytime I have had to deal with him has always been unpleasant - it has caused me to forgo the convenience of using the gym facilities in my building and get a membership at L.A. Fitness. I suggest that if you are planning on moving into "East" (or "West" for that matter) avoid the "spa" and "fitness center" completely and keep your regular gym membership - you will be glad you did.