
Showing 1 - 100 of 189
The building staff and building manager Andy are nice and so is the community however there is no security. My cars have been broken in for the third time and I can only assume that it will keep happening again. There is only one security guard at a time for 5 buildings in the community with almost no video surveillance in certain areas which explains why the person that is consistently breaking into my cars feels like he can continue messing around with total impunity ( I assume it's the same guy because of the same MO - screw driver to the lock). I am not alone in this predicament and we only requested that more cameras be installed but to no avail. But I should consider myself lucky since I only suffered economic loss while other resident have been physically attacked by intruders. In conclusion If you care for your safety and the safeguard of your property do not move here.
constant noise complaints even when I'm out of town. the managers are so dumb they don't even bother looking into it just harass the residents
I enjoyed my stay there in corp. housing. What I didn't like is the endless parties at the pool and drunken neighbors at 4am coming home and banging on the doors at all hrs. not to mention yelling and laughing like banshees. Also, when I first visited, a blond girl in the office showed me around. She walked so fast I was practically chasing after her, she was cold and unfriendly. I always stopped by the office to get my packages, and was never greeted. They always have a bad attitude. Yes, it is an amazing gorgeous place, but bad service and bad neighbors ruined it
Imagine paying around $3500 for a one bedroom and now you have to pay for guest parking. What makes it worse is that in the email they make it sound like it was our idea as a community for them to do this. Move here if you don't mind being nickel and dimed for basic needs.
Not so great, unfortunately. This review is based on just the first month of living at the Palazzo. Like many other reviews here, the location can't be beat! The ground and the building look great from the outside but once you are actually there, it's not what it seems which is too bad! It's all start and end with customer service. There is none from the staffs working in the office. They simply sent us an email to "notify" us that our apartment that we signed the lease for is not available 2 days prior to our move in date. Two days! I would think if someone were doing their jobs at the office they would have figured out what was happening and anticipated what needed to be done. 2 days was inexcusable! After that we actually had to initiated all of the contact and follow up (Let's not forget, no one picks up the phone even during the business hours of expecting a call!) The "manager" pretty much took no responsibilities in fixing the problem or following up. She insisted that it's our responsibility to talk to her boss if we wanted things done. Huh? We eventually got the new apartment lease sign after 3 days of rushing the "boss" to give us an answer. There was no apologies! None! What's worse was we ended up moving into a unit that was flooded with raw sewage the first night we moved in! It's pretty sickening to be paying so much money in the "luxury apartment" to have this happening. Apparently this happened once before when my partner stayed at one of the corporate apartments here. And it seems other yelper had the same issue as well. Again, the follow up from the office was lacking. No one took any initiative or any proactive actions to make the situation better. The favorite saying seems to be "we didn't know.." If your resident apartment was flooded with raw sewage, you sent a cleaning crew, right? Last gripe about the community is their account system. It's very confusing and when we made a call to the office taking to a couple of people, no one had any idea what they were looking at. Eventually we were told of a mistake in the calculation in the move in/transfer fee but we were hit with the penalty for late payment even though it's their mistake. It took 4 days for them to fix the issues. However if you make the payment electronically using check and if you make a mistake typing in the account number incorrectly, you will still get an email from them that the payment was made successfully! BUT 4 days later, they will send you a notice for a fee since the payment actually didn't go through. Why would you send out that the payment process was successful to begin with? May be it's cheap way in making money off people mistakes? And the only response we get from the office was to give them a call if we were confused! I think based on the experience living here so far, it's not possible to recommend anyone to be here and have to endure the lack of professionalism with the front office staffs. It's probably ok if we don't have to deal with issues however, there have been many issues and no one has stepped up. Truly disappointing. This place can be so much better. One star is for location.
There are so many things wrong with this place, but one of the worst offenses is their continual lack of regard for privacy. I have been a renter for twenty two years and I have never experienced anything like this. I am friends with my neighbors, and we have all agreed that AIMCO completely abuses their right to enter into the units. On average, they enter into the apts three times a month, and at the most (so far) it has been ELEVEN TIMES a month. I don't know what it's for except for services that I don't want (AT&T - which gives AIMCO kickback), and "improvements" that we never see. They also enter to constantly check the fire alarms or service them. My guess is they're too cheap to install something that actually works. I don't like strange men coming into my space and working constantly. They even go into the closets. It is unreasonable and intrusive. Speaking of management's lack of regard for privacy, it has trickled down to the maintenance staff who also enter whenever they want. They illegally enter units and I have been told "oops, wrong apartment" after they used a key to open my door while I was home. Management also gives your key out to random vendors. The AT&T guys that were installing fiber in the building had my key.. WHY? The security guards, as nice as they are, don't do anything. They watch all the cars go in and out of the gates and don't check them to see if they live there. Some actually look like they're pretending they don't see people driving into the gate who don't belong. The whole privacy and security situation is unsettling. The security gates have also been broken and wide open for weeks at a time for people to come in and out as they please. With the amount of issues involving shootings and murders here, you would think they would be more careful. Another completely unsettling thing about the management here is that they are completely aware of things wrong with the building, but chose not to fix them. For example, there is something wrong with the plumbing here. The garage pipes leak sewage (I saw the AIMCO person try and dispute someone else's review that had that in it, but it is true, I have seen the pipes labeled SEWER leaking MULTIPLE TIMES), and every apartments' sinks flood with sewage at one point or another. Management is completely aware of this, yet no action is taken to fix or prevent it. Scroll through the reviews, you will see pictures of backed up sinks. It recently happened to me and it is absolutely disgusting. The management team doesn't respond to e-mails or phone calls, or even pick up their phones at all for that manner. Don't get conned into a lease here. It is pretty on the outside, but once something arises that shouldn't be happening and you bring it to AIMCO, you will see that you are treated like crap. They act like they're doing a favor by taking your money. And you work hard for your money, so you should live somewhere where you'll be treated with some respect for spending it. Yelp should make zero stars an option just for this place! *In response to George's comments* I am VERY UNFORTUNATELY a lease holder and have in fact received all of the of emails about the fire alarms. I also have ELEVEN emails and notices in one month about entering my apartment for fire alarms, at&t installations, and various other things. So please do not assure me of anything false, especially when I have proof. If anyone is interested in seeing those ELEVEN notices for entry, please message me. Also in regards to "the exact opposite of my thinking"... let's be honest here, there is a reason that the fire installations needed to happen. What we had before did not work (alarms constantly going off at all hours of the day and night), and since cheaping out is aimco's MO, yes, I am thinking that these new ones won't be top of the line either. About entering my closets for BOTH fire sprinklers and at&t installation, it was NOT COMMUNICATED to me. I was communicated that it would be happening, not that it would be as intrusive as it was. Also, what code is there for a yearly fire sprinkler inspection? None. You get a cheaper rate for your insurance at the expense of your residents' privacy. But you don't care, you can save a buck! And yes, the CRIMES I mentioned happened years ago, one by a non resident on grounds. Since then, the "courtesy attendants" who are apparently not security (lol) even though they respond to noise complaints and the ones that do their jobs (ie Sam), actually check cars going in and out of the gates, have been even more lax since the violent gun crimes. George, stop trying to deflate the comments by residents. We are on the ground level and have proof for our claims. We have all gone to the management multiple times for complaints before posting on public forums. Our concerns are not addressed or mostly, even acknowledged, and then we are basically called liars by you. Not a good look, George. Not good PR at all, aimco.
Dont come here if you think this is a smoke free community. It is a plain lie. The manager Matthew Turner is extremely unreliable. I have been living here for a fee years paying their extremely high rent with yearly increases. For the past year there has been marijuana smoke coming into our bathroom from one of the vents. I have contacted the manager multiple times and the complaint has fallen on deaf ears. Mr Turner simply tells me that the fine print in the lease states that Palazzo cannot promise a smoke free environment. For around $4000 a month, I expect much more from this place. Stay away!
Hard to give more than 1 star when every time it rains we have our tubs filled with the building sewage. In two years and a half here we also had problems with the stoves (to be replaced), washer and drier (to be fixed), dishwasher (fixed multiple times), the balcony (flooded) and I think that's enough for $4,000 a month for a 2bd 2 bath. Btw rent was increased 9% at contract expiration, but least luxury living right?!?
It is 8 in the evening and I am sitting here in my apartment, basically an ashtray, not enjoying my self at all, my neighbors can't stop smoking, between the marijuana and cigarettes it has become unbearable. My mouth is dry, my couch and clothes smell like I am a smoker, and my apartment that I pay an exorbitant amount to live in smells like an ashtray. I have complained 10. 20. 30 times already about my neighbors and smoking weed and cigarette violations have been proven a ridiculous amount if times yet, they haven't been evicted , like they are supposed to be after multiple violatiins, just fined a few dollars, like it means anything to fine a resident who can afford a 10 thousand dollar apt, a couple bucks. Do not move here if you value your health. Getting out as fast as I van when lease is up.
10 reasons not to live at Palazzo apartments: 1. Dog waste everywhere many residents just leave it there. 2. Dog urine regularly in lifts. 3. Dogs off their leads all the time when this is strictly forbidden, it won't be long before someone is bitten. 4. Dogs roam around the pool jumping on beds when it is strictly forbidden. 5. Pool heating has broken down twice in as many months and you are not notified until you put your toe in the water - try explaining why you can't swim to a 2 year old. 6. Pool area a wasteland after 5pm of diapers, food waste, much of it in the pool. 7. No action taken by management when a neighbor below us regularly displays violent, harassing, threatening and aggressive behavior to us, including climbing up from his balcony with a stick to try to break our windows - apartments are poorly constructed and regular living causes noise below, most people understand, many don't - we are now in the process of getting a restraining order. 8. Recent shooting and stabbing of 2 residents leaves us with a feeling of being vulnerable and unsafe. 9. Gym and spa area poorly maintained/cleaned. 10. Service requests for maintenance items that previously were sorted within 24 hours are now regularly 72 hours.
The Palazzo management will always tell you that they will get back to you and won't. Despite Palazzo's comment on my review, they have yet to get in touch with me about their in-room water fall blunder immediately before my moveout. For details about my two years at the Palazzo West, please refer to the actual review. I will not initiate the contact, since I had been talking to their managemetn office, written in the survey, and also tried to contact corporate to no avail. Looking back, dog feces in the apartment floor at least three times left for over 20 hours despite calling in, too. Attentive, they are not.
Never been there
The pool and the SPA are always very dirty
Front Gate are very rude. I came to visit friends (been coming for a whole year now) and every time they are acting like it's a JAIL!!!!! HORRIBLE PEOPLE IN THE FRONT GATE. ARE YOU GUYS KIDDING ME. my friends want to move out because of you
As a long time renter I was excited to move in. The leasing staff are great, but they don't live there & know nothing about the living situation. Rats, ants and cockroaches. The fire alarm for an hour while you try to work is a joke. If they tell you it is ok to use vapor cigarettes it is a lie. I specifically asked Shawniece & then was told it was a 250 fine once I was in. Spa is lovely but the people working there are just so so. Constantly changing their policies. If you are looking for a nice luxury rental go elsewhere. Seriously you do not want to rent here. Best day there was finally leaving. Edit - I forgot the construction. Always, all the time. It is generally loud there but every 5 days there is some new issue that requires earth movers or dump trucks for concrete. It is truly awful
UPDATE: You do not want to live here, period. I've been living here since April, and I can not wait to move out. It is overpriced, and the management absolutely don't do shit. Most of the residents are rich stupid people who have tons of money to throw and think they can do anything. People drive nice cars here race in the parking and always park at the space they are not supposed to park. Save your money, and find somewhere that's actually worth living and has decent human beings than bunch of sugar babies/rich teenagers who don't live in the real world.
I wish we had done more research before moving into Palazzo East. Management is horrendous and will renege on their signed agreements. I paid my rent 1 day late ONCE and they have decided that my parking concession is now forfeited for the remainder of my lease term. Nothing in my signed agreement supports this, but management will not help. Refused to connect me with supervisors, claiming everyone else was "on leave" for a month. If you like being nickel and dimed and scamed by your management company, definitely move in to Palazzo East.
My husband and I were excited to live at Palazzo. It is a beautiful property with a fantastic location. The finishes in the apartments are not as nice as our previous location...linolium floors (yuck!) mismatched appliances, etc. but we thought it was a decent trade for the amazing location and other amenities. What we found upon moving in is that palazzo is very poorly managed. You name it and palazzo management has botched it. From losing our application to the concierge losing our packages to shutting off the property's water with no notice to the residents,...the management is beyond horrible. In addition, the property started construction on Palazzo West in 2012 and it's a never ending process. There is no construction on the weekends when they do most of their tours however, during the week, the entire property is over run by construction vehicles, the elevators are monopolized by the crews and they also park in visitor parking so good luck getting anyone in to visit. The parking security gate is also left open all day so that the construction people can get in and out....apparently the security of resident vehicles and apartments is secondary. The construction is due to the "Penthouses at Palazzo" renovation effort. Once theyve remodeled the very dated penthouses, they are hoping to lease them for 5k+ FYI: what the current residents are finding is that AIMCO is issuing huge rent hikes to the current tenants in an effort to get them out and renovate the units. So if you plan to move into a penthouse unit and stay more than a're going to be out of luck. While the grounds appear to be well kept, they don't do much in the way of pest control....I've called the office about rats in the gutters inside the property as well as roaches out on the grounds....pretty disgusting. The icing on this rotten from the inside cake is the cable service. The building is wired for Direct Tv only which leaves us unable to get any tv service other than direct tv. This didn't bother us until we moved in and discovered after 6 months of repair appointments, that they wired the building incorrectly (that's what the tech told us anyhow) so now we live with television service that cuts out constantly and splices in the religious channel whenever we try to watch movies on HBO. It sounds alot funnier than it is. We finally gave up on them ever fixing it and aimco couldn't care less about their residents having television service. I really miss television sigh. In a nutshell: this place glitters but it definitely isn't gold. I wouldnt renew our lease here if they offered to give us an apartment for's that bad. DONT DO IT. I read all these yelp reviews with a grain of salt before we moved in and i'm telling's really that bad. Look away from the light! Look away from the light!!
I am a current resident at the Palazzo; I've been here for 1 year and 9 month. Signing a lease at this property has been one of the biggest mistakes I could have made. When being toured around the property before signing, I was promise quality services, and upscale apartments. You would expect that for $3250 a month right? Well wrong... A lot of the apartments here have cockroach problems. I started seeing roaches a few months into living here. I've had them for 9 months now, this summer I also saw cockroach in the sauna (the men sauna is always in maintenance), that's disgusting! The management told us it's an isolated incident, but after speaking to the pest control company they use, the Palazzo has many units with pest problems (liars). The pest control has been coming once a week, and the problem has only gotten worse. I bring a housekeeper twice a week to clean the apartment and the problem still persists. After battling with the leasing and management office, they brought a team here to flip the apartment. STILL NO DIFFERENCE! The management even told us we can change apartment unites without breaching the contract. When the leasing agent showed us an available unit; it was smaller, and almost $400 more expensive per month. Are you kidding me? Way to keep us tied into a shitty apartment... We've been paying 40k a year to live in pure shit. The floors aren't real wood, windows and doors are cheap, the air-conditioning in the bedrooms aren't strong, and their gym/spa facilities aren't very clean. I chose the palazzo for the amenities and to feel as if I were in a hotel but for the price you pay to live here the amenities are not worth it. I rather pay the same price for beautiful apartment elsewhere in Los Angeles and chose The Palazzo because I thought they were good, but after living in LA a while, I realized there are dozens of residents that provide a higher standard of service for CHEAPER! If you're looking for something luxurious worth your money, STAY AWAY FROM THE PALAZZO! Lastly most importantly at place like the Palazzo you would except the Management to respond promptly to emails or phone calls at the price your paying for service, the service is horrible and good luck getting a respond from management unless you go knocking at there door trying to find them when there roaming around doing nothing.
I just moved from here. The main reason is because I didn't feel safe. There were many times that staff and other people tried to get into my locked apartment without my consent or prior knowledge. Some of them worked for the Palazzo and some of them did not (The Bug Man, for instance), but they all had a key. I even came home once to a maintenance person in my apartment who was not scheduled. When I complained to management, they didn't seem to see what the immediate problem was, forget the bigger picture that random vendors from all around LA are given master keys to literally everyone's apartment on grounds. They can do whatever they want with those keys. It's not safe for your body or for your things. In the same vein, the amount of times they did schedule people to work in your apartment is insane. Management makes it clear that you are just a tenant, and it is their space, not your home. No consideration is given to stop the constant entering. They'll say that they'll try to schedule you for this or that inspection (way too many) or for the work (that never actually needs) to be done, but they don't actually do it or cancel unnecessary repairs or additions. I honestly don't know how people living there now are ok with strangers coming into their space all the time, with access to their keys. Other important issues I've had while living there include: -my apartment's bathroom flooded with sewage, and I know I'm not the only one so this is a plumbing issue that hasn't been addressed. -No one (guests and deliveries) could actually find my apartment because everything on grounds looks the same. -The noise between apartments is incredibly loud, even when people are just walking -I've seen roaches and silverfish and mice on grounds I've brought up all these issues multiple times to the management. The managem is extremely useless and sometimes, flat out rude. They don't do anything to address concerns and are the corporation, AIMCO, is extremely cold. You are just a number to them, not a person. I would avoid living in the Palazzo or any place run by AIMCO like the plague. In response to the comments made by Andy: It doesn't really matter if you think that the vendors you use are reputable. The fact is, is that too many random people have access to everyone's keys. If someone broke into an apartment using a key they copied, you wouldn't even know where to begin to trace it. Not only that, those strangers are allowed to enter with the building's permission to do whatever they want around my personal things and as much as we complain, we are not allowed to stop it. Also, there were many times that consent was NOT obtained at all, yet either a vendor or member of the staff entered into my apartment. Which we both know is illegal and we both know you did. And despite the courtesy staff having maps and the buildings being labeled by extremely small numbers on signs, everyone gets lost. Also, did everyone notice he did not address the plumbing or bug issue? Probably because they know both are problems they can't talk their way out of based on pics on yelp and everyone's experiences living there. The Palazzo made my life hell and I would steer clear of living on their property or any Aimco property.
WARNING: This place sells itself like its some fancy place worthy of the price and full of amenities--- FALSE!!! This place has a quick turn around of randoms & countless times I've heard some serious domestic situations echoing through the halls with no security showing up. Speaking of security-- what security? Honestly, the guards at the gate are far more of an inconvenience than a security measure. The back gate, where I enter to get to building 3, was broken and wide open for a month and when they FINALLY fixed it- no ones clickers worked and nearly 2 weeks later they still can't be bothered to fix it. When I tried to get them to reprogram the remotes they switched out my remotes & then neither the exterior gate worked and then the interior parking gate wouldn't work, so I was worse off than I was before it started! Not to mention, they can't even be bothered to put your name in the call box for your guests & it's been over a year since we've lived here- calling, emailing every month only to be met with no results, just excuses and avoidance. They FORCE you into Direct TV & then the service is HORRIBLE- you pay for all the bells and whistles and they just can't deliver, but you can't switch providers because of some deal they have with a 3rd party company *which charges you again and again for coming out to "fix" things that continue to malfunction- it's a total rip off. And they don't care-- management couldn't care less that they continuously don't live up to the stated perks of being here. Once you sign your lease, it's basically a fuck you, good luck attitude behind false polite smiles of incompetent people, who don't know the first thing about how to make this a safe and convenient residence that lives up to the list of perks you think you get for paying the price. Oh, and the WORST PART... They can come into your apartment whenever they want, to do whatever they want, whether your home or not, whether you agree to have something done on a day where you can be there-- NOPE. Just constant notes saying "Hey we're letting you know we're gonna bust into your apartment to do 'upgrades' *which you don't ever see* at such & such a date/time." PERIOD. They don't care about your schedule, your privacy, your security. They couldn't care less. Just give us your money & fuck you. OHHHH and did I mention the constant sound of sirens & vacuums that surround your every waking moment. Don't worry, that's free. Lastly, after not living up to the list of things you pay for, they raise your rent every year... more than the 5% allowed by law & ride your ass for months leading up to the lease being up, wanting you to commit to staying, or let them show off your apartment while your gone to potential new buyers. No one stays here for long because it's secretly a semi-shady environment with no consideration given by management to live up to their listed amenities.
2 years ago I was seduced by the look and amenities offered at The Palazzo West at Park La Brea and became a resident. In the beginning I was very satisfied with the way the property conducted business. However with the change of managers (more than once) I am sorry to say I can't wait for my lease to end in March. The once offered amenities that I enjoyed have been taken away altogether with no warning or reduction in my rent. The managements story is they can't afford to offer the amenities any longer that I am still paying for....EXCUSE ME? However the property still maintains fresh flowers in the rental office...seasonal flowers all over the property and is REPAINTING the entire property along with retiling the water features . The property is more about attracting new residents than keeping the residents it already has happy. BEWARE !!!! You can't judge a book by it's cover.
Where should I start? Leasing office? Leaks on ceilings? Lack of maintenance on the common areas? Stalkers around the building? Cero security? Dirty hallways? Cockroaches? I'll try to be brief but they make it so hard. The leasing office is a mess, they do nothing about anything, even if you complain but they're so good at bullying you and threatening to evict you. They do learn how to treat and deal with people. There are leaks in the gym, and some apartments that are NEVER fixed, also flooded parking lots and apartments. The gym has 4+ machines that haven't been working for months, but do nothing about them when we pay a VERY expensive lease. The fire pit has also not been working since July. How long does it take to fix a fire pit? Elevator of building five has not been checked since 2017 according to the paper stamped in it. Stalkers everywhere and harassing married and single women yet they still renew their leases. Security? Non existent, Duke is the only decent security guard in the complex. Months ago some crazy guy trespassed the property and hit someone. A courier from a delivery company was peeing at 12 noon, right outside my apt. Last week there was dog poop all over the hallway. (Images bellow) BBC They also threatened me with starting an eviction because apparently they "know" that my dog is a restricted breed (which he isn't and we didn't know about his dna) they put me into so much stress and always bullying me with "I have proof and videos of your dog barking" but they do that to everyone! The only star that I gave them is because of the people leaving here and the incredible community we've created WITHOUT the leasing office. When someone comes to the tour around the complex, they make sure of pretending that they're a pet friendly and that they have attentive staff, which to be honest the only valuable staff here are the maintenance people.
I live at the penthouse palazzo WEST and i am paying almost $5000 monthly for the worst management ever. The people who works at the leasing office are horrible. I had to call them more than 8 times to get along with someone. Poor communication with the residents. The maintenance were great for a while then they start being as bad as the leasing office. I stayed for 4 days with no hot water.
Do not move here! they will nickel and dime you on the way out. I was a good tenant who paid on time no issues. They charge a bogus paint damage charge of 160.00. I had 4 pieces of furniture the entire time living there. they're calling 3 scuffs that could be cleaned by the cleaning crew which I paid them 150.00 to do paint damage. the apartments are expensive and they upcharge you for everything and then to use any excuse to keep portions of your security deposit is just bad form. :(
We rented through air B and B and found out it was illegal to rent from this location as we tried to enter the pool. We understand fully that this happens but there is no reason to be belittled and treated like garage by I'm assuming the manager Andy Tanner. I was with my 70 year old parents and he told us we had 10 minutes to vacate the premises or else he was going to call the LAPD. Again, my parents are 70 years old. He screamed at myself and my parents telling us we were trespassing and we are going to be arrested if we don't hurry up. This type of behavior when I said it was inappropriate is stemmed down from the corporate office and this is how they want him to handle situations. That's one corporate office that I would stay far away from and I would stay far away from Andy as well. We are here celebrating my niece and nephews pre k graduation and he really has ruined this day for us. Hats off to you.
I used to live here for a year in a one bed room apartment which was $2490 a month. The management is HORRIBLE. They never answer their phone calls or return the calls, ever. I always had to go down to the office to get a hold of them. They never seemed to get to the office at 10am, which is when they are supposed to open. All the workers there sounded like they are so proud or something. Come one right. Aimco which oversees all the apartments including palazzo and park la brea is a piece too. The central office in Colorado said that I could only get a hold of them through email or fax. What kind of business is that? Customer service is absolutely horrible. The place looks beautiful but poorly constructed. Walls seem thick but they are paper thin. I could hear people next to me and upstairs fight all the time screaming and swearing. My dog was terrified of people screaming and shouting all the time. Dogs are very very loud too. People who live there are awful too. I used to say hi to my neighbors and they would just ignore me. Basically this is a nest of spoiled rich kids. If you are able to afford $2500 a month for one bed room, look somewhere else. Don't be fooled by the website or what the office people tell you. Absolutely HORRIBLE.
My husband & I are current residents & we regret choosing this place as our home. We know a few of the celebs that live in the penthouses & for a fact all the attention & care goes to the penthouses. IF YOU ARE NOT A CELEBRITY OR AN IGNORANT KID WITH NO STANDARDS STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE. We have been here over 3 months. The noise level is outrageous because the walls are super thin. We hear EVERYTHING as if it were happening in our living room. We loose sleep every night because of the foot steps upstairs. We hear neighbors having sex, conversations that take place outside. Every door that opens shuts around our apt make our walls tremble. The quality of the appliances are crap. The light fixtures are from the 80's. They flicker & make the most annoying buzzing sound. The shower door leak water onto the floor after every shower. The sinks make gurgling sounds & dirty water has resurfaced into the sinks. Nerve wrecking! The plumbing is a huge issue including in the parking garage. Random pipes leaking water on to the cars & the garbage smell slaps you when you walk into the garage. The ventilation system is horrible. They have changed the filters however if I dust today in a few hours you will have a film of dust as if it were months since you've dusted. The employees from management, maintenance, & security are nice but they are conditioned to beat around the bush when an issue needs to be resolved. Essentially they are very apologetic & sweet but do nothing to fix the issue. I complained 2 wks after moving in & months later we are still having the same problems. After so many years of living in different apartment complex around the world this has been the worst! As I'm writing this review I am also trying to enjoy the sweet stomping noise from upstairs making my wall pics shift. Home sweet home if you enjoy this type of zoo. If you have nervous pets DO NOT TORTURE THEM BY MOVING HERE.
If you can afford the Palazzo East, then you can afford to live somewhere better. We lived here for two years. The first year was great. It was quiet, clean, and the staff was super helpful. Any issues we had were resolved quickly. Year one was five stars. I'm not sure what happened in year two, whether the property changed owners or management but things changed. The property became loud and noisy. Dog excrement became a frequent sight around the property, even in the hallway of our building. The halls begun to stink of weed and cigarette smoke. Then, came the roaches. We reported seeing roaches and a few days later, an exterminator came in. They sprayed, told us to wait a week or so and alert the office if they came back. They did come back, we let the Palazzo East office know, and several days later they got back to us. An exterminator came out, the problem didn't go away, so we reported it again. This time it was a couple of weeks to get a response. An exterminator came back, then so did the roaches so we reported it again to silence. We finally found a new place to move but didn't hear anything about the roach problem for a month while we also waited to be let out of our lease. I know that it wasn't just us because the last two months we were there, the vacant apartment next to us was being sprayed for bugs weekly and they exterminator mentioned coming to Palazzo East regularly. That neglect on the part of Palazzo East to fix their roach problem led to us having to throw away all of our living room set because we found roaches in them when we moved. Like I said, if you can afford to live here, you can afford something better.
I wish I could give this place zero stars. The WORST community ever. Read all the negative reviews below. They are true, I have experienced almost everything people have written about. Don't move in here unless you want to shave a couple years off your life from stress and anxiety
BEWARE! READ ALL BELOW! SCAM COMPANY! I AM OUT $1100 for wasting my time and energy on this poorly managed company with employees who have no prior training and no ethics. Andy Tanner will belittle you via email so have fun with that, but don't let his rude communication via email make you think you're in the wrong because a true leader of a company would do their best to fix any issue regardless of the situation. He prides himself on customer service, but I have a chain of emails that would make people cringe coming from a person who leases apartments... I'm sorry, but I don't want people to ever go through the nightmare that I have had this week with AIMCO employees and Palazzo East Apartments. Don't let the "luxury" amenities trick you and read previous yelp reviews before setting up a tour here because there's so many BETTER places in Los Angeles that will be respectful and act ethically. please read below. $1100 charge straight to their account and it will almost be an entire week without receiving my money back. They make you wait an apparent 10 days after "application" for money they fail to tell you they are taking before being approved. Has anyone seen their brochure? It says $1000(on approved credit) and they claim they don't mislead? Only getting $1000 back because we did an "application" that was "denied" that costs $100. The manager could not even send me confirmation that I approved this charge, but threatened me with saying he'd contact local law enforcement because I am making this up? They never sent us any confirmation that our application even existed by the way. Most apartments send immediate documentation..we would know we got a place just as expensive down the street the next day with the same credit, same income, just the two of us with no hassle or unauthorized charges. Luckily, we could scrape together money for an actual holding deposit that was not taken prior to approval, but I'm still waiting on my hard earned money that should have never been taken in the first place from Aimco. Can you imagine if every apartment took $1000 without telling you or having youl you Ty sign your signature while applying for an apartment without disclosing that in the beginning of the application. I would have left had I known! Message me for more details on my experience with terrible management and attacks via email from Aimco's supposed "manager" who fake advertises that he first No credit ran or verified, 0 documentation sent to us regarding anything about our "denied application" that the manager said he would expose because I said I'd be telling my large LA network about this place. That actually happened. It is actually comical that a leasing manager would say that. I'm not ashamed of a denied application nor was that ever the issue. I am actually relieved that I dodged a bullet with this apartment complex and Aimco! For the record, incase Aimco still wants to email attack me- all I wanted was my money back, but they are taking their sweet time when it's been sitting in their account all week. Funny how that works right? ? Message me for questions! GOOD LUCK! Stay away from Palazzo!! I promise you. This place will not get any better as long as they have employees who act like you're beneath them.
This place has actually gotten worse. Here is what $3200 gets you for a 1 bedroom in the middle of a pandemic: - Dog pee in the stairwell (see picture below... I took this last week) - Rude and racist staff. There are definately different resident rules based on your race/nationality. I will say this feedback excludes the repair and cleaning staff. They are lovely! - Inconsiderate neighbors that make working from home unbearable due to loud banging and stomping pretty much all day everyday - Lost and delayed packages. The package locker system (parcel pending) has always been a nightmare. 9 times out of 10 your packages will just be left on the floor for anyone to take. - Unresponsive and rude community manager - Random fire alarms in the middle of the night Let's just say I can't wait for my lease to end so I can move out. Also ... Aimco please don't feel the need to respond to my post. I've reached out directly several times about these issues and nothing is ever resolved.
Kristina is just such a horrible person!!! She threatened to tow my car away even with a visitor pass!! Clearly the visitors parking is from 8am-5pm i was in between that time and with full promision to enter the building !! I was just there to do my job!! She discriminated me!!! Way before i even entered the building!!! Upper Management needs to supervise this women to do her job right with good morals !!! Made me upset this women targeting me how horrible. The staff is so rude as well !! Simply asking for directions they get mad!! Except the front gate security!! The gentleman provided me with information with respect!!
If I could give 0 stars I would! I scheduled a meeting with them at 2 in the afternoon, I arrived at the place 10 minutes before the time and announced that I had arrived. I waited for 25 minutes and then they told me that they were busy and I would have to wait another hour or come another day! 0 stars is my score for you!
I have lived here for almost a year so I am updating my review. In short, I am moving out as soon as my lease expires. I hate this place. Everything I said in my previous review still stands with the following additions: 1. Rats and Flies. Like I said in my previous review, the pest problem still exists. Pest control came by multiple times but could not fix the problem. There are rats in my patio & window sill EVERY NIGHT. Rats made holes in my patio furniture & theres so much rat shit I never go out my patio or open the windows at nighttime. A SWARM OF FLIES everywhere. I had pest control come out multiple times and at one point the office staff called me and said "you keep putting the same request!" Well its because the problem hasn't gone away?! And also the residents are charged with "pest control" fee? 2. Impossible Management. People at the office are rude and not helpful. Most them are very lazy and seem like they hate to be there. Always on their iphones and quick to dismiss your concerns. Working staff (cleaning & maintenance) are amazing though. Every time you call the office with a question or concern, you will be rerouted multiple times, only to be given a different number which they never answer (and mailbox is full). They call themselves a "luxury" apartment, but do not operate like one. I have never lived in such an apartment that is THIS difficult to deal with. The management is pretty much my main reason for moving out. 3. Plumbing Issues. I have one of the more upgraded units (Naples Premier) but the cosmetic upgrades and new appliances could not help with the issues related to the old structure of the building. I have had so many plumbing issues which even til this day have not been fixed even after multiple maintenance visits (also it sucked because we have a newborn at home and did not want people entering our home during the peak Covid times. We had to live with so many problems). Some of the more serious problems were: tub leaking and flooding the bathroom (had the mats soaked and had me cleaning the whole bathroom which sucked), bathroom sink backing up and disgusting residue and food scraps from upstairs kitchen coming up the sink MULTIPLE TIMES (exhausted a whole bottle of Clorox spray), and the hallway flooding. 4. Noise Issues. The building must be really old because I can hear my upstairs neighbor's dog walking. I unwillingly learned so many things about my upstairs neighbor. The worst thing is that my neighbor likes to wake up in the middle of the night and use the restroom which always wakes up my newborn. Noise proof is the worst I have ever seen. Their rent is definitely not justified for the quality of the structure. 5. Ridiculous Fees. Apparently, they require a 60-day notice to move out and if you give notice anywhere later than 60days prior, you are charged the same amount as your rent with what it's called an "insufficient notice fee." Meaning if you give your notice just one day short of two months prior, to move out when your lease expires, you have to pay a day's rent for giving the notice "only" 59 days prior to your lease expiration. This is charged even if you don't actually occupy the unit for an extra day. I gave my move out notice one month and a half prior to my lease expiration date and was charged $1,545.33 as an insufficient notice fee! A $1,545 fee for giving a 45 day advance notice! Customarily, a 45-day notice is considered more than sufficient as many other apartments only require a month advance notice. They pretty much charge you for a unit you no longer occupy so that they make money off a vacant unit all whilst the unit is either getting ready for the next tenant (biz cost) and available to rent out. Even if they rent out the unit soon enough, this money is not returned to you because remember, this is a "penalty" for giving the notice late and not a cost they actually incur. I think is predatory and unconscionable business practice. 6. Utilities. Expect your utilities to double when you live here. Don't know why but water & sewer is a lot more here than other apartments in the area when each unit has its own water meter. You are charged with various fees by the community. My rent is $3,600 and with utilities (those charged by the community), I pay about $4,000 a month. It sucks that this apartment could be an amazing community given its prime location, but the management is just ughhhh. I am so happy to finally move out and not deal with rats and the management.
Do not move here! they will nickel and dime you on the way out. I was a good tenant who paid on time no issues. They charge a bogus paint damage charge of 160.00. I had 4 pieces of furniture the entire time living there. they're calling 3 scuffs that could be cleaned by the cleaning crew which I paid them 150.00 to do paint damage. the apartments are expensive and they upcharge you for everything and then to use any excuse to keep portions of your security deposit is just bad form. :(
Worst gate keeper I have ever seen. Can't even speak proper English and trying to act like he's the boss of the whole building? No management AT ALL. WORST direction guidance ever. Makes both deliveries and tenants REALLY frustrated. Hollywood worse level of management
I have lived in the Palazzo west (building 6240) for 2 years. The only reasons I stayed that long is because it's a lot of work to move out and the location was pretty convenient (Grove, Farmer's market, pretty close to everything, lots of restaurants on 3rd street etc...) When I decided to move there I was impressed by how nice it was from the inside and the model apt I saw was amazingly decorated. But when I moved there, they didn't even show me the apt before officially moving in. They said someone was living there. Therefore, I did not realize that the apt received NO SUNLIGHT AT ALL until about 2 weeks after I moved in. MANY of the apt in this building are shaded all year long because of the trees outside and how the building is facing. In addition to the NO SUN Light problem (which gave me bad allergies because my furniture and everything was rotting in the dark) I WOULD BE UP ALL NIGHT some nights because of THE EXTREMELY LOUD NEIGHBORS. These buildings are FULL OF IDIOT PARTY PEOPLE who scream on top of their lungs on their balconies in the middle of the night. I would call the front gate and notify them but that didn't stop the party people from being obnoxiously loud. In addition, THE WALLS AND CEILING are SUPER THIN so I could hear the next door neighbors' alarm clock and the neighbor above's every foot step when I was trying to sleep. The apts there are super over priced. I moved out about a months ago to a HOUSE in VENICE that is much much nicer and that is cheaper than the penthouse condos at Palazzo. I still haven't gotten my security deposit. I just called twice and the guy in charge is too busy to deal with me (which triggered me to write this review). Another super annoying thing is that I could never have guests over because it would take them 15 minutes to find my apt. ALSO the apt I was in HAD NO CELL PHONE RECEPTION FROM VERIZON OR ATT so I had to get a landline. And I paid for the fastest internet service but it was fairly slow. The management of the palazzo can get away with a lot because of their location and how they look from the outside but people have to know the truth about this place.
Despite the negative reviews online we decided to pursue seeing this property. We called four days in advance to schedule to see a 3 bedroom unit on Saturday. When we arrived for our appointment there weren't any 3 bedroom units to see. Believe what you read. ...
DO NOT LIVE HERE unless you don't mind terrible customer service, management that steals from you & general unprofessional behavior that borderlines on outrageous. Over priced. Over rated. - When I moved in my dishwasher, washer dryer & shower were all broken -fire alarm (which is LOUD) seems to go off all the time. Loud, ear shattering fire alarm going off at all hours for seemingly no reason - they FORCE you to use Consolidated Smart Systems for TV & internet and it's way over priced & terrible service/package - ZERO CELL PHONE RECEPTION in your apartment - Your apartment manager will ignore all phone calls & emails - they will STEAL your security deposit - they charged me $270 move out few for cleaning etc (which is fair) THEN randomly assessed another $3200(!!!!!!) saying I didn't give 30 days notice...even though the form shows I DID give 30 days notice. - no direct phone number PALAZZO IS A SCAM. TERRIBLE VIBES. SHADY BUSINESS PRACTICES. Thieves & liars! STAY AWAY.
The building was made so that it creates a tunnel. If you live towards the inside you can hear everything all night long. If a woman walks through with heels on she sounds like she is in your apartment. I live on the 3rd floor. Additionally I love animals but there is no control on the barking. The building is so greedy that they do not consider the tenants that do not have dogs. But since they get extra money for animals management does nothing to fix the problem. Which happens all night long and all day. Do not be a person that is self employed and work from home you will get absolutely no relief from the dog barking and noise. As far as rent, I have lived here for five years and they do not believe in not raising your rent every year by at least $100 per month. There is absolutely no loyalty.
I was a resident here for over 7 years and feel well-equipped to assess the Palazzo East in a fair and honest manner. I should start by saying my first 5 1/2 years there were blissful. It was like living in a resort and I had very few complaints, nor did I ever question the value of the rent I was paying. There were a couple of negatives here and there but that didn't bother me, because it still felt like luxury living overall. Then about a year and a half ago it started to go downhill. The common areas were not kept as clean. The elevators kept breaking (sometimes staying broken for more than 48 hours). The poorly accessible, badly lit stairwells leading down to the parking garage were filthy and cobweb-ridden. Security got lazy and more incidents happened. The management was WAY less attentive -- phone calls of varying importance went unreturned and the building manager (who used to be "the guy who cares") stopped returning calls/emails to residents because he's "too busy" running both East and West all the time (get used to this refrain if you need anything done -- apparently he is too busy to do the actual nuts and bolts of his job anymore and we're supposed to feel bad that he's so busy). And that was only the beginning... A big problem with this community is the way it is built. The hallways are vast, which you would think spells privacy and quiet but actually it becomes a nightmare scenario if you have a bad neighbor - and in 7 years there I had many - because the walls are so thin and you're removed from everyone else so there is almost zero accountability to the community at large. In other words, you're isolated from most of the building but if you have one loud, crazy, or partying neighbor, it means you get your own personal surround sound relationship with them. I lived next door to a rotating cast of crazies, including two next-door neighbors in abusive relationships (I'm talking 911 calls, screaming at all hours, running from the police, hearing death threats and talk of suicide - no exaggeration) and a neighbor who felt the need to play house music 24 hours a day. A famous boxer also lived in the unit above me and he would have people over at all hours for religious ceremonies, and it basically sounded like elephants were walking above me because the vibrations were so intense. If you are considering the Palazzo East, you should know that the building 1) seems to attract loud, partying and crazy types despite its perception as being "upscale" and 2) the very nature of the building's layout allows for this kind of behavior. If you're a young woman, get used to men cat-calling at you from their balconies when you come home at night... it's disturbing when it's your home. I have many friends who live in smaller communities or duplexes, and I grew to envy their solitude because something about the sociology/behavior of people changes when they are more intimately aware of their neighbors and not in a large impersonal community. Here are some specific problems that arose in the last year for me: one of my utility bills began to triple, every month, for no reason. This was December of 2012 when it started. Because it is a company that Palazzo is contracted with, I had to go through the leasing office to get help with the matter and it drew out - no joke - into a 9 month-long saga. And it was always me that was chasing people down to get answers. Next, my boyfriend's car was towed even though he had a valid parking pass. That cost him $250. The Palazzo only offered to cover half the cost of the tow. I am STILL owed that money to this day. Then, one of my crazy neighbors got so out of control that I began to fear for my safety. Her abusive ex-boyfriend would stalk our hallway (he was not a resident - Fort Knox security for you) and bang on her door, shouting death threats. I sometimes would have to come to work late because I'd be scared to leave my apartment, knowing he was wandering the hall waiting for her to leave. Security, no matter how many times I called them, were never able to deal with this effectively. I did have to call the police a couple of times as well. After my 3rd 911 call, I had an epiphany that no person paying $2400 a month should have to deal with this kind of insanity, ever and decided to move. To anyone considering this place, I promise you one thing - you will find a nicer, newer, better managed building SOMEWHERE ELSE and it will almost certainly cost you LESS money. The management are an exhausting array of powerless, incompetent, & "too busy" types (manager Steven) to deal with anything effectively. And to top it off the community is getting older and more dated/tacky- looking each year. Life is too short to live at the Palazzo East!
Bad Service! i don't take time to write reviews like ever, Basically they have one of the best locations in LA (palazzo west), but because of that they give minimal if any attention to their existing tenants, there are other better buildings in the Area, For Example, Broadcast center which is ironically owned by the same owner has much better service, so it must just be the management of the palazzo which is bad! Thanks!
In reference to the other posting, I was also seduced into moving into the Palazzo West. The building offers a great pool, security/doorman, and resort like amenities. ( well they did... classes at the gym you now have to pay and they cut out other perks too) However living here is not quite the resort dream. Due to apparent reduced budgets, hallways/elevators are often dirty and the front office is completely not effective, not efficient, and completely rude. Complaints and concerns or neighbor issues go on deaf ears. They care more about attracting new people then retaining their current tenants. They really do not care and try to use a scare tactic and act like they taking care of business. They don't take care of business and they are not fabulous and act very common very crass and very rude. The units are "new" feeling but the staff here and the poor maintenance will result in one few tenants shortly. Best plus is the pool and doorman/security resource. Worst: Attitude of staff and cleanliness issues.
Nobody contact to me even though they replied a week ago that they will contact to me shortly. That's the way how Palazzo works. This night, I catched one roaches in my unit, one in hallways. I am so sad that me and my baby are living here with roaches without any response from Palazzo.
I lived here from 2003 - 2005 and not only was it a total rip-off, but once I decided to leave, they trumped up all these ridiculous charges (like having to replace the entire carpet) and basically stole my deposit. I worked at 20th Century Fox at the time and was NEVER home, so to say I barely used the place is an understatement. In fact, it's 2014 and I'm still so disgusted that I've just now decided to write the review so as to warn others. Yuck.
So I don't write reviews but I have to protect people from moving here. I normally think that people are just trying to be hateful, but be warned. I have lived here since May 2013. I moved here because I needed a wheelchair accessible place. Here is all the horrible things that have happened to me. 1. cigarettes thrown on to my balcony from neighbors above 2. lighters and matches thrown onto balcony 3. dirty underwear thrown on balcony 4. glass ashtray broken onto balcony 5. 2 umbrellas burned from cigarette buts 6. dirty water thrown onto me while on my balcony 7. kids spit on me from above 8. Just this weekend a neighbor high on weed broke water sprinkler and flooded his apartment, mine and someone else's damaging a lot making us move to hotel 9. After my leg amputation, I was stuck on the wheelchair lift 10. You can hear every footstep above you 11. When it rains or when unit above has washer problem, my front door gets flooded with water making it hard to get out 12. Management gives a lot of false promises 13. The Aimco company does not care about the tenant just getting their checks 14. The security guards let anyone come in. They do not call you to get permission 15. The call boxes in the garage are broken, and the door is just left open or you have to go downstairs to let people in 16. The community door to let into the property is open, and don't need a key to get in 17. Dog poop all over the place 18. The pool is not heated and is cold 19. Rude neighbors making loud noises at all hours 20. I could go on but I hope this helps you understand I would not move here. Lease is up in August of next year and I will not be here again. Palazzo West 6220 W 3rd St Los Angeles, CA 90036 I live in building 4 if that helps people And Aimco, please do not respond to this on what you can do to help, because even your General Manager above the 3 properties here could not help me. All you will get here is sorry..........
I asked about the price of a unit advertised and the price was not what on their website. A bit of a bait and switch. Also they said range but their available date wasn't . Be careful the price changes the minute they meet you. If you bait and switch can't do business with you. Concern if that is even legal a different price advertised. Example apt Perugia 3-127 for 2460 and they quote in person 2513 for Sept 1. What a ripoff !
I was live 3 year East palazzo.l like location and apt .but menager is rude .garden and spa very dirty .securty persons very helpfull.
WARNING!!! WARNING!!!! Despite all the glitz and glamour this place offers, the security and customer service is by far the worst. We had moved into this place thinking that it is safe and secure, but to our surprise we got robbed one month after we moved in in broad daylight. The leasing office did nothing for us and did not even apologize. They would not even let us see the security camera footage to see how this could have happened, leading us to believe that it was indeed an inside job. 3 months later after this incident happened, 2 more apartments got robbed and the only thing the management had to say was to make sure both locks were locked when leaving your home. The office manager, Steve is the most unprofessional person in the office and does not offer any solutions to any of the problems we have encountered with them. He does not answer any phone calls or emails and is the rudest person. He does not deserve the title he holds and is a poor excuse for an office manager. When we came to the end of our lease, we had made arrangements to avoid paying more than our ridiculous $600 dollar /month increase for rent to find a better place to live. Upon our move out date, we were held responsible for a ridiculous charge for days that we did not occupy the apartment. After no help from the leasing office regarding this issue, we had to contact the corporate office, which still has yet to investigate the matter 2 months after the fact. It is not worth it to live in this place when managed by unprofessional, ignorant liars. Palazzo West has a much nicer management and is way more helpful in any issues you may have. Do not move to Palazzo East!!! There are much better, bigger, cheaper, quieter and brighter apartments on the westside.
Didn't enjoy my time here at all. Aimco managed properties are the worst. The leasing office was a joke, elevators were constantly not working, and despite having a gate to get in, plenty of people could drive right in. I do not recommend signing a lease here. Stay away.
I've been living at the Palazzo East for exactly one year. My apartment had a flood due to one of the pipes breaking and apparently it was the fault of a construction company who was working on something. Long story short, my apartment was flooded and not livable and everything was damaged. Insurnace was only able to cover a week or so. Palazzo East did not cover my rent when my entire apartment was affected and I had to take days off of work and months to get my apartment back to how it looked prior to the flood. Customer service was terrible. The building refused to cover the remains portion of my rent. This is not a place I will recommend to anyone. With all the stress and time off of work; getting my apartment back to a livable comfortable, clean, place the least they could have done was cover the remaining portion of my rent since it was there own contractor company that they hired. It is unfortunate to write this negative review but I want people to know that floods are VERY common here and they will not care to help you out with the rent and just ask you to go through insurance. Multiple people have told me they dealt with water pipe burst. I have spoken to an attorney and will be filing a lawsuit. Also when I moved in the unit was not complete, dirty and they never responded to my emails when I emailed them. Lastly, there are Airbnb units in the building. Think twice before renting from this building.
Amazed by one of the more elderly security staff supervisor, when I can hear Loud neighbor playing the music, he cannot hear anything. Maybe he should rest at home instead of working? Since last time he cannot hear which building I live from the gate after I mentioned many times and said cannot find me from the list until we talked so many times, this time, he cannot hear the loud music my neighbor is playing at 2:30 am. I cannot sleep, and how can I work. Amazed
This is a week that I expect an answer. You should considered your existing customers as a priority rather than a jog trying to find new customers. My account is update daily with new amount ranging from $ 13,000 to $ 2,000 past due. I made screenshoot of daily error that appears in my account. Which makes me think of the incompetence of the people who manages the movements of the palazzo accounts, and that explains the numbers bad review on yelp. Today one more time , I lost my whole morning, has to wait a appointment that never arrives. I will do the research to find the email of the president and head of AIMCO, hoping he can take into consideration the tenants who keep the business AIMCO
I've been living at the Palazzo East for exactly one year. My apartment had a flood due to one of the pipes breaking and apparently it was the fault of a construction company who was working on something. Long story short, my apartment was flooded and not livable and everything was damaged. Insurnace was only able to cover a week or so. Palazzo East did not cover my rent when my entire apartment was affected and I had to take days off of work and months to get my apartment back to how it looked prior to the flood. Customer service was terrible. The building refused to cover the remains portion of my rent. This is not a place I will recommend to anyone. With all the stress and time off of work; getting my apartment back to a livable comfortable, clean, place the least they could have done was cover the remaining portion of my rent since it was there own contractor company that they hired. It is unfortunate to write this negative review but I want people to know that floods are VERY common here and they will not care to help you out with the rent and just ask you to go through insurance. Multiple people have told me they dealt with water pipe burst. I have spoken to an attorney and will be filing a lawsuit. Also when I moved in the unit was not complete, dirty and they never responded to my emails when I emailed them. Lastly, there are Airbnb units in the building. Think twice before renting from this building.
This is disgusting , I woke up to my shower filled with poop and flooded with water . my entire apartment smells like poop . I pay $3200 a month for rent this is absurd, I now can not go to work because I can not shower and who wants to come home to a shower filled with poop.
The follow-up to our issues were met with the kind of sterile, corporate, anti-compassion that we have come to expect from this community. We tried to escape our lease just one month early so that we didn't have to experience further sewage explosions. But they couldn't understand why - their defence being "we clean it up every time"... We've since moved to a new place where everything works... The grounds are well kept... The rent is reasonable... And most importantly, the management team on the grounds are empowered to make decisions. I would be thrilled if my review deterred even just one person from living at any Aimco property. They really are a horrible corporation.
Dear Mr. G of Palazzo: Instead of contacting you directly, I like to respond here so that more public can relate. I already suggested to let the management know regarding your current outrageous policy and think about adopting new policy to Ms. C. Smith, your Resident Relation Specialist in writing. You can ask her to see my back and forth emails with her making sure that I fully understand your 'policy.'
Been a resident here for a few months and this place is not worth it - regret moving here. Noisy, noisy and smelly, smelly. Smells like an old bar from the 90's with cigarette stench coming from all over the place. Had to wash all our clothes on a few occasions since the smoke from (cigarettes and other) comes in from vents, cracks and windows. Did I mention noisy? Also finishes are mediocre - if you check this place just check the showers (cheap plastic). We've complained to management for months and they really don't seem to care - avoid our calls and ignore the problem. DO NOT MOVE HERE !!!!
I was a doctor at Cedars Sinai and choose to live here because of its close proximity. It is a very great location but it was one disaster after another. 1) We hired a cleaning service that left the place spotless. We let the front desk know this specifically. They said great as they had mentioned if we did this we would not have to pay for their cleaning services as long as the inspection passed. We got charged an extra $130 for cleaning. I called to enquire from customer care (which is a separate place in Denver) and was told that we got charged because we didn't provide them with a receipt of our cleaning services- this wasn't mentioned anywhere in the lease, or on the exit sheet OR by the front desk when we went to go see if there was ANYTHING else we needed to do. Straight lies and failures in communication. Also despite the fact that the place was left spotless EVERYONE pays the same amount. 2) The women's locker room constantly had mold in the steamroom and weird soap residue in the hot tub. 3) The pool was entirely not secure. People would sneak in all the time who didn't live there and nobody actually monitored it. 4) Tons of money went into random things like redoing the pool in the middle of the summer in LA (no pool for 6 months with no warning when we moved in about it), re doing all the toilets yet the elevator buttons were broken for the entire time we lived there (2 years). 5) Really silly inconveniences and rules: the gate doesn't allow you to let your friends in unless you have a local LA phone number, you arn't allowed to dry your towels on your own balcony, you aren't allowed to bring your children into the locker room even though there is no other place to easily change their clothes. Don't move into this apartment- the bottom line is that you might as well move across the street to park La Brea where you will pay at least a thousand less for the same amount of space and get way better service.
Pros: -Dog-friendly -Resort-like vibe -Gate-keeper on duty 24/7 (This was like the only pro for me..) -Location is ideal (This can also be a con since it attracts the unwanted visitors) Cons: -Overall very old building, which leads to SO MANY problems -Neighbors partying ALL THE TIME (noises echoing in the courtyard) We had to call police 10 times a year to quite down -UNBEARABLE walking noises/music from neighbors This was the worse apt I lived in in terms of noise canceling -Plumbing issue (had to call a maintenance at least 5 times a year) -Roaches/Silverfish (I saw them a lot more in this apt than any other place I lived) the Roach problem is REAL.. No matter how clean your unit is, the WHOLE building is infested. -Dog poop everywhere/Ppl not picking up. You'll smell it if you live in the 1st floor -Not an ideal place to cook due to small windows which are far away from the Kitchen ( in the unit I lived ) -Some of the ppl in mgmt are very rude -Ridiculously expensive rent (which increases so much every year) relative to the poor quality of living in this place They barely provide any benefit/incentive to stay to the loyal tenants Would give zero star if I am really honest. I can't believe this place still has 2.5 star.. I highly recommend to save your money and look to different apartments.
bad time here. i sent my parents here last year, i booked with my card and my parents trip was ruin . they were asked to provide my card? well i was not on that trip!! therefor they could not check in for the full days i HAD BOOKED.. Thanks for destroying there trip!!! will never stay there again. waste of time, plus this place will nickel and dime you to death.. its just so sad !! my parents luv this place.. we will no longer at all stay here again,or refer anyone
This is very Good place and location.Everythings was Good.That's the most deluxury communities in West Hollywood.But there has a manager and he is so rude.I want to move in that's why him.He doesn't allow my guest Or my family.I always living troubles.Spa is dirty always.Please talk with him.
Since posting this TWO days ago, I got not one, but TWO MORE LETTERS THAT THEY PLAN TO ENTER!! That will be the sixth time they've needed to enter this month!! There is NO PRIVACY here whatsoever!!
Do not move in but DON'T this place are really stilling when you move in everything Is nice and good , after 11 months that include more than 4000 dollars of coast that no one will really telling you it the entrance to the complex i decided to move out and stop let them to keep and charge me for what I never knew. Today they did my last check out inspection, I was again upset 125 for cleaning an empty 1bd 250 for small blind on the balcony door and 300 wash the wall it's not fair , but this is the palazzo. Do not move in you will be ripped
I love my apartment and the building itself is pretty nice (there are always apartment living problems), but the "spa" and "fitness center" is a nightmare. "East" is always a mess. I've heard "West" is no better. But the real problem is the staff. The regular attendants are pretty friendly, but the manager is a real piece of work. If you can avoid ever having anything to do with him, I highly recommend that route. He is rude, dismissive, and downright mean - huge chip on his shoulder, and always some sort of "I've got limited power in this particular situation, so I am going to use it to its full extent" attitude. Anytime I have had to deal with him has always been unpleasant - it has caused me to forgo the convenience of using the gym facilities in my building and get a membership at L.A. Fitness. I suggest that if you are planning on moving into "East" (or "West" for that matter) avoid the "spa" and "fitness center" completely and keep your regular gym membership - you will be glad you did.
Do not move here and save your money! This place is far from luxury and it's essentially dangerous. All of the permits are expired for the elevators, the property smells like feces and urine and there is mold growing in my unit. The assistant manager named Chrissy is rude and degrading. She spoke down to me over the phone when I expressed my complaints and options to get out of my lease. Spare your money and find somewhere else to live. I wouldn't recommend anyone to live here! Shame on the Palazzo East! Let me out of my lease!!!!!!!!
Hey James G. Please stop commenting on all of our postings saying you're going to help. All you do is contact the leasing office-- which is obviously the first thing all of us have already done. They never get back to us and you drop the ball-- leaving us in NO BETTER a situation than we were in before we posted. This place is such a sham, just like your comments. P.S.-- Right now I can barely breathe because the elevator up reeked of garbage and the courtyard always reeks of urine. THE PALAZZO IS A RAT INFESTED RIP-OFF OF A COMPLEX, THE LAST THING FROM "LUXURY APARTMENT LIVING" AS THEY FALSELY ADVERTISE. WHAT A JOKE THAT IS.
If I could give this place 0 stars I would. Theres a reason this place only has 2 1/2 star rating.... It sucks. There's rats crawling every night. There's a creepy guy that lives here and management hasn't done anything to get rid of this person when tenants have called the cops on him many times. Before him there was a different creep that would harass women, I was one of the women and no matter how many people complained he continued to live here and management did nothing but say yeah you're not the only one that's complained about him.. the pipes are awful my toilet and sinks have overflown many times you have to pay $2 an hour for guest parking now and the claim that they started charging because it was their solution to tenants complaining about parking.... Which I'm not the only tenant now who's called that a lie... the alarm will go off for hours at a time randomly not even when it's scheduled but randomly and the sound is so piercing you feel like your ears are bleeding.... I'm moving out finally soon.... The only think I like here are some of the tenants, the pool and the sauna but that's still not worth it.. also the floor plans are weird if you want pictures I have plenty ... at one point I had meal worms on my patio don't even know how they got there, at first I thought they were leaves from the trees above my patio but nope
The apartment complex is nice, however there are always hidden "surprise" charges on top of your monthly rent. For example, you will get charged for flushing toilets!!! Yup, you heard right. I've heard the management is horrible, and although we did not live there long enough to have many interactions ourselves, we have witnessed many situations from other tenants. Our move out bill included the "surprise" charges again, including a $250 charge for "wall damage", which was one ding in the wall, that our company that came to patch up holes from mounted TVs, forgot to patch. This place is a joke.
drove an hour to look at an apartment.couldnt get the girl off her but to show us over at East.she was too busy.really you have that many vacants and your too busy.went over to west and guess they didn't want to rent either .all 3 employees didn't want to show an apartment.what a family and I will take our money somewhere else.
Lived here for a first it seems appealing -- centrally located (esp. if you work in Beverly Hills or the surrounding area) -- easy walking distance to the grove but let's talk about the complex itself: 1) the elevators were ALWAYS breaking down and NO the permits were not up to date despite what the "owner" writes under several of these reviews. On more than one occasion I would press my floor number to be stuck on the elevator and then have it randomly decide to drop me off on the top floor. (Which technically requires a key to access) 2) the gate was constantly broken.. to the point that for at least 10 of the 13 months I was there, they just left it propped open! So much for security 3) the fire alarm constantly goes off -- it was a daily occurrence and would often happen in the middle of the night. 4) management there is a joke! How are you never available to answer calls?! On top of that if you leave a message you also will not get a call back. 5) On a weekly basis some residents would just place their trash in the stairwell instead of taking it to the chute 6)Every time it would rain the parking garage would be flood. Imagine trying to leave for work but having to walk though water covering your ankles just to get to your vehicle!! 7)They made our move out process horrific and even threw away our belongings before our lease was over!! If I were you I would NOT move here unless your fresh out of college and don't mind slumming it.
I moved into the community in December 2014 and left to go out of town. I came back to roaches. After being told by the leasing agent that there were no roach problems, I have them. The exterminator made up a lie saying that the roaches came from a trash bin and Sean in the management office said he didn't know what Lloyd(exterminator) was talking about. After moving in, I had to pull everything from the cabinets, closets, against the wall, etc. for the exterminator to come out. Now they want me to do it again so that they can spray a second time. It's like moving once a month with the packing and unpacking. Lloyd the exterminator also left my door unlocked the first time he sprayed and all he could do was say "sorry"! It also took 2 weeks for someone to come out to exterminate . The excuse is that roaches come with the territory when you live in a large community! That's ridiculous! C k
We moved in about 6 weeks ago and in those 6 weeks I've dealt with the noisiest most obnoxious neighbors that party until 5am AND at this very moment I'm listening to other neighbors drill and do what sounds like extensive construction at 11pm at night. I also have smoke and the smell of smoke (weed and cigarettes) coming through my vents and under the sink cabinets nearly every day. I thought it was a smoke-free property. We were sold a total lie. The people that live here have no courtesy for others. It's like a frat house.
I was a resident for four years, and saw the quality of living go from just acceptable to completely AWFUL. My candid opinion is that everyone should STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE! Management is unresponsive and ineffective. Here are just a few examples. I was in building 3, and my neighbors got to the point where they woke me up almost every weekend at 2AM or 3AM - and management did NOTHING. Management did nothing about dogs taking dumps in the hallway, neighbors leaving garbage lying around, or for that matter any other problem. I wasn't able to use my balcony almost the entire time I was there because my neighbors were chain smokers. All of these things could have been handled, except that management NEVER helped with anything unless you chased them down repeatedly. Even with the things that are totally in their control. For example, I have proof that I paid my rent on time (management even admitted in writing that I paid my rent on time), but their records are still wrong. The final straw was when it took TWO months for me to get my security deposit back after I moved out. I finally wrote to the CEO of their parent company (AIMCO), telling him I was going to sue his company: that was the ONLY reason why they finally gave me my money. Don't be fooled by the nice facilities and apartments. Management is HORRIBLE, incompetent, and will do NOTHING to help you unless you write to their CEO. Finally - to be fair, if you're 20 or 30 something, single, and into partying this is probably the right place for you because you probably won't care about the things that management is suppose to do. Good luck! BTW - Carol W. of the Palazzo Communities, don't bother annoying me with your canned response. You guys had FOUR years to make a good impression and never bothered then.
We came in today to see the apartment at 11am for our confirmed appointment... we even arrived early. The security wouldn't let us in, we called the apartment leasing office, managers, etc. and no one responded... so we couldn't even see the complex. No one tried to help us and we were basically told to leave when we had an appointment confirmed for 11am... email confirmation and all. We're taking this as a sign to stay far, far away. What a mess...
**DO NOT MOVE TO THIS PLACE! ** 1. Avoid first floor!! Rat is all over the place at night next to the pool . Check the place at night time . 2.this place have the MOST SLOWEST Elevator in the world!!!! Ask the people living here( average 7 -8 min wait ) also it's get broke every other week and it takes forever to fix . 3. Really noisy place you can hear your neighbor next to you/ Above you , fighting/ having S** / etc 4. You going to find out a lot of extra fee for each month if you pay 3200$ for one bathroom add on it 200$ for fee
I am a returning resident i resided there 2 years ago. Management has went down the drain. I decided to move in a penthouse location so I can have That experience and let's just say this building Management is Horrendous. I have been living here a little over two months, and the elevator is still in operable. Last week both elevators was down, so I literally had no way to get into the parking garage. My toilets have been out. It was a defective toilet therefore two toilets didn't flush in the house. The showers were clogged up and poop would come up through the showers. I pay over 5500 per month and this is what I'm dealing with For a 2 bedroo. Shenny Ramariez is poor representation for Aimco. She lack empathy and is very condescending how she deliberates. Everyone is Extremely nice until you move in then the Real comes out. Lastly theor is a couple of long-term resident who bully other residents particularly African American and Management has nothing to stop it. I am requesting a callback from Timothy or Andy.
BEWARE Management will constructively evict you. They have a 3x month termination fee in the contract. They won't help you because they want you to pay the termination fee. Then they can re-rent your apartment and double-dip the lease for 3 months. BEWARE
Update. Tonight I came home to find someone else parked in my spot. The one that Palazzo charges you extra for. When I alert security, they tell me I have to park in guest parking and that's basically all they can do. Like I said, they really don't care about the residents satisfaction. Also forgot to mention that there is a big insect issue here. I see spiders in my place all of the time. Saw a big one in a huge web in the hallway yesterday. The INDOOR hallway.
On first impression, the Palazzo is paradise. I've lived here over five years but am finally moving because it all continues to go downhill. The amenities are amazing, but they have stopped doing repairs or anything so much of the great amenities are unusable. The management is abominable and a disaster and the turnover is extremely high. They don't respond to maintenance requests in a timely fashion and their customer service is horrific. There is no loyalty to residents who have been here. They would rather have the building be empty than be amenable and cooperative with current residents. I am so frustrated and disappointed with them. Our ceiling has been leaking for over a year and they are now finally addressing it. But barely. There are holes in our ceiling for months while they get bids to fix it upstairs. It won't be fixed by the time we move out. I would suggest looking elsewhere for this price!
The lady that works at the leasing office has the worst service ever., nov, 9, 2023 am shift
Terrible office/administrative staff. Yes, it's beautiful, with central geographic location but that's when the good stuff ends. I don't mind paying the expensive rent. What I do mind is how they withdrew rent from my bank account TWICE by accident, and 5 calls and 1 month later have still not reimbursed me. The remote controls to the gates stopped working (twice), and there were no replacement for weeks because they ran out of remotes?! The gardening staff is terrific, but unfortunately, manicured lawns and flower beds do not justify 2500 for a 1 bedroom. I don't know if it's the change in management in recent years that has brought on this incompetent and bad office staff, but something has got to change.
Worst apartment in the world!!!! Management here is horrible ! Please do not even contemplate living here ! You will be paying close to 2,700$ for 800 sq feet and will receive nothing but an old apartment unit, terrible kitchen cabinets (slams when you close them), old bathroom etc Countless times I had ROACHES in the unit and had to vacant for over one week (lost all of my food in my fridge and pantry) given they had to fumigate the premise. Once I had the fire alarm go off and the help line asked me to answer a survey after the call when I was panicking. We had to terminate our lease early and management made sure to screw us of every dollar from our security deposit! Do not expect to see a penny of it after you move out ! They will charge for paint, cleaning and the person doing the inspection will grind you for everything and say the apartment is not to Palazzo standards (BS) - the apt is in terrible condition! Luckily i took pictures of when i moved in !!!! Stay away !!!!
My name is Tina who just moved in few days ago. The residents service team is very hard to communicate. I was supposed to receive my FOB and remote so I can get into the property. The manager at the residence service said one hour. It took over 2 days emailing reminding several times. Eventually I called and finally someone picked up the phone this staff name Nevi. She was so rude and unpleasant to speak. Very Unprofessional!! We're paying so much money on rent and this is the service we get. Unacceptable!! Already having issues with the management team wow I might have to see if I can cancel the lease. They're great at taking my money but not doing their jobs!! And regarding the property it looks nice from the outside however inside the unit the walls are so thin I can hear the neighbors and the unit shakes like an earthquake when downstairs ppl slams the doors. I didn't want to say this but worse than parklabrea. At least over there it's old building but you can't hear much from the neighbors.
DO NOT LIVE HERE!!!!! PLEASE DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND FIND SOMEWHERE ELSE! If you're going to pay such high rent you would expect amazing service! Wrong! I had roaches in my apt., I literally went to get a water bottle one night and there was a roach on my foot. My balcony was full of them, I couldn't even step outside. I am pregnant and all they offered was to come fumigate. I had to leave my apt for a week so I wouldn't breathe in the chemicals. After endless back and forth's they finally agreed to find a new a tenant, because they were not livable conditions for me. I left the apt spotless, the roaches weren't due to my cleanliness, the apt was immaculate. THESE PEOPLE ARE CROOKS, YOU WILL NOT SEE YOUR SECURITY DEPOSIT. THEY WILL FIND RANDOM CHARGES AND TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF YOU. Again, PLEASE STAY AWAY!! Just some advice from a pregnant lady who is very disappointed by the customer service at the Palazzo. Good luck with your search!
I actually feel like it is my duty to warn others of some of the blatant issues of this complex, especially those involving safety. The landscaping and the apartments are nice, the amenities are great, but once you live here for a month or two, you'll see it is not a nice place to live at all. -The elevators rarely work -The garage floods with sewage every time it rains and sometimes when it doesn't - Maintenance enters your apartment whenever they want, including when you fill out the service form with an option to call you before they show up for the appointment. They don't even knock, just use a key, doesn't matter if you're indisposed (which happened to my wife. NOT happy about this at all). -Speaking of entering into your apartment, they give out keys to vendors to go into your apartment alone, including but not limited to: the exterminator (which you'll need, more on that below), cable companies, workers for things that break outside of regular maintenance staff's capabilities. If you're ok with complete strangers who have not been background checked by AIMCO (the management company) not only having access to your apartment, but access to your KEY where they can MAKE COPIES, I think you're living in a utopian dreamworld where people only do the right thing. This is absolutely not ok for either privacy or safety. - Bugs. A lot, and everywhere, including the spa where they recently put up signs saying "closed for fumigation" (not even smart enough not to put that on the sign) -Constant fire alarms. Clearly they are trying to remedy this issue in a cheap manner because they are continually testing them and have to enter the apartments to see if their new systems are working very often. With a young child, I do not have confidence that there are adequate fire safety measures taken here. -Paper thin walls where you can hear your neighbors' full conversations -Loud Gardening very early in the morning -The door handles come off -The lights all buzz and flicker before they come on I've heard the management team jokingly refer to this building as section 8. I'm paying over $4,000 a month. I don't think that's funny. The staff is completely unprofessional, and AIMCO is the face of corporate greed. Sign a lease here at your own risk.
I moved in 3 days ago. Just moved to LA and my daughter is helping me. We toured the apartments, was shown one apartment. I asked to see the actual apartment I would receive. After following our agent walking in 4 inch heels, we arrived to my current apartment 20 minutes later and the agent couldn't open the door, said she forgot the right key. I choose to put a deposit down based on the appearance of the apt. I saw, my daughter had to get to work. I needed the apt. immediately because my son was moving into a new apt and could not keep his cat. I signed the lease and paid $1400 deposit, $3080 for initial rent due. This was classic bate and switch. My current apt. has worn & dirty carpet, scratched cabinets, cabinet doors that are slanted, mothball and mold smell in the closet, broken toilet, permanent water stains on the faucets, scratched refrigerator door. During the inspection tour I asked if I should follow Nicole and she said she was just checking to see if everything works. She turned the tv on, checked the water and a few other things. I was asked to sign a paper which now I know was the official inspection report. Needless to say none of the problems were listed. It is my fault that I signed papers without reading them, but I was in a hurry because of family problems. When I moved in the day after signing the lease the TV did not work because the batteries had been removed. The next day I reported the problems to the community manager. She promises to replace the carpet with hardwood flooring. The maintenance manager promises to fix the cabinet doors. I am hoping these promises will be met, but I am angry that they would rent an apt in this shape. I am not sure what my rights are if they do not fulfill their promises. Be careful.
Don't even think about it!! I was staying in a corporate apartment at the Palazzo, and I couldn't wait to leave. Before moving here, I thought I might want to stay. Unfortunately, the place is nothing like the website (kudos to the web designer). Cellular service is abysmal, and I have two phones (one personal; one for work). I couldn't get any service on AT&T and barely a bar on Verizon. Calls dropped constantly - daily. If the phone did manage to ring, I had to run out to the balcony to answer the call, but every single time the phone would still drop mid-call. It's like the Palazzo exists in some sort of cellular black hole. Read other reviews - everyone has the same problem with cell phones there. The place is filthy, smells of marijuana, and the appliances are all mismatched and cheap. I would give Zero Stars - so the one star I'm forced to give is really too high.
Had one of your residents nearly run me over with their car, then threatened me with a weapon near the south driveway entrance. There's no security camera to have tracked the incident. Went to leasing office to address this and the girls in the office just gave blank stares no apologies and just said we have no control over what our residents say.
As a multi year tenant I whole heartedly agree with the negative reviews. This breaks my heart to see one of the most respectful and best neighbor's I've had possibly move because of their issues living here and yet building trying to raise their rent $500! I myself have had sewage in my sinks, rats chew through my patio doors and leave feces all behind my couch and more. Don't get me started on the elevators which keep me in a constant state of anxiety every time I get in them. Not good for someone with anxiety disorder I assure you. Plus all the amenities we once enjoyed are going away or costing money. I only stayed due the love of some neighbor's (who many have reached a level of frustration and are moving out) and my dog and frankly being too busy to look for something new. But this is a ridiculous tragedy to see such great tenants who have lived here for so many years get bamboozled into having their rent raised a ridiculous amount. This place is falling apart. They seem to care more about getting deep pocket tenants who care little about keeping up a nice property and abiding by the rules then those that truly want to be here and create a great and safe community. We have seen wicked courtyard fights, shootings, more smokers (In what I supposed to be a smoke free complex) then I can count. It's time to step up the game palazzo. And I don't mean by redoing the apartments and charging home rent prices for them. Do right by your tenants or you'll all continue to see major backlash from current residence who all talk and are feeling the same.
Over-priced, and rent goes up EVERY year, no negotiations. Horrible leasing office staff; incompetent & no customer service skills. Not recommend these apartments to anyone. Huge waste of money. Very Disappointed.
Pretty much a nightmare from the moment we moved in. The woman who showed us the apartment made sure to point out that the complex was non-smoking and assured us that any construction or renovations would be nowhere near our unit. Besides, the walls were thick and we should not have any issues with noise. None of this could have been further from the truth. The cigarette and pot smoke wafting from other units is intrusive and constant, despite numerous complaints to management (by several tenants, not just us). The neighbors above us regularly get into loud domestic disputes through the night, even leading to the husband being arrested recently. Management is apparently completely unaware of these issues, despite, again, contacting them about the noise levels. Other grievances include: construction (which we were assured would happen nowhere near us) often happening on holidays, weekends, and before 8 am Management taking out rent from our direct deposit twice in one month. Fine, a mistake. But instead of crediting us for the following month as promised, they simply took out rent again. And then claimed they had no record of the double rent from before. We asked to discontinue direct deposit after this, and were assured that it would be stopped. It hasn't. An alarm going off in the parking garage nonstop for 18 hours. When we mentioned this to management a couple days later, they "were unaware of any such incident." Trying to get cable/internet installed was quite an ordeal, as they were unable to enter the electrical room when they arrived. Maintenance informed us that the key was lost or stolen. They did not seem to understand how this could be a problem, or particularly concerned about replacing the key. It took an extra two weeks to finally get cable/internet. I could go on. A couple isolated incidents I can understand, no one is perfect. But this is just one thing after another. And management is aggressively ignorant of any problem, with no communication among employees. We are told one thing by a leasing agent, then something completely contradictory by the property manager. It is simply exhausting. The grounds are pretty. We were suckered. Please do not make the same mistake. Rent literally anywhere else. Palazzo is a hole.
This place is awful. We lived here for a few years many years ago and it was a pleasant experience. We've been living here again for the past few months and the place is horrible. Upon move-in, practically all of our appliances were broken and needed to be replaced one by one. Our dishwasher was broken for 2 weeks. The rents are exorbitant, which makes this unacceptable. The guest parking lot is always full with Palazzo construction workers, so our visitors struggle to park. The elevators are terrible--one day, the security feature stopped working and we literally couldn't get up to our apartment for several hours due to elevators and hall doors being locked. Guards are completely ineffective. Now we've been dealing with constant cigarette smoke pouring into our apartment (in this non-smoking building). Despite a month of complaints, the smoke persists. Would never recommend this place to anyone.