Carlton Burrell

Update - I followed up with them and after back and forth on why the increase and possibly moving to another unit, I got my transfer denied and offered more expensive units than the cheaper price that my unit was relisted for. One representative tried to be helpful, but it was clear that they did not care to correct anything or keep me at the property. Expect your questions to be met with sarcastic responses and no real answers Location is great but there are some things you should consider when deciding to move here: - There will be rats and roaches running around, so I would not recommend a 1st floor apartment - When it came time to renew, they quoted me a renewal rate within the 10% increased that is allowed (no problem there). However, the price on the website was close to $1K less than the quoted renewal rate. If I had known the market rate was $1K less, then I would have decided to renew. There were multiple instances where management was unhelpful and rude, and this incident is a sign that you will not be viewed as a tenant they care to keep