
I'm only here writing this review because I was encouraged by the Palazzo with a large gift card amount drawing (that I'm sure I won't get after this), but if they want my honest review- they're about to receive it. I've lived in this complex for 6 years now and my biggest complaint has always been the security of the building. They finally installed a new security feature which included spikes and lights to the gates but people still just "piggyback" on the cars before them so it's hopeless. Cars in the parking garage get broken into and it's the norm. They even have signs up to let you know that they're not responsible even though their promise is a "safe and loving" community. There's nothing safe about this place. I was just recently threatened in the parking garage (where there is zero phone reception or emergency phones!) by another resident simply because he didn't like me pulling over to the side to set my gps before I went on my long road trip... I expressed my fears about this violent attack on my car (he banged on my windows, threatened to f me up then chased and followed me before police had to intervene). I now have to fear for my safety every time I park my car and look over my shoulder for him. I received ZERO calls backs from the palazzo team or management. The police are called here often actually. Mail gets stolen from our "secure lockers"... the list goes on and on...the Maintence team disregards any special notes left for them so idk why it's even an option to leave them. "Call before entering" I guess means busting in when I'm exiting the shower with nothing on but a towel wrapped around my hair. Honestly, how violating! They let you get settled in here then increase the rent by high increments to where it's so expensive to live here but also expensive to move. I can't wait to get out of here.