Joseph E.

I lived here for 17 months. The Good: It's great for families who just moved to the US and need time finding a home, for 'aspiring' Instagram influencers, and for older people on a fixed-income. The Bad: Not good for 20's-40's working adults. Management is completely absent and unengaged (maintenance staff is great though); gym is run down and a lot of the equipment literally has rust on it. Pool is cold, typically covered with a layer of slime/body oil. Dog poop and urine everywhere! At nights it reaks of marijuana odor. And all of the protests and rioting seems to start across the street at Pan Pacific Park. Oh and the gate in the back is impossible to find and your Doordash/Postmates etc will never ever find you or be able to get to you. And the walls are paper thin. You can hear every step above you - the community itself is really old and I think once they removed the carpeting the walls/flooring wasn't designed for sound-proofing. I moved to a newer-built community, smaller but definitely more higher-end in every aspect. So much happier. So much. My 2 cents. Hope it helps. Happy apartment hunting!