Katlyn J.

Just moved in within the last two months, so far I would say this apartment as not held up to the expectations that I originally had for this property. When I did a site visit I was impressed and excited to move to this property. So far, sadly I have regretting picking this complex as my final choice. When we moved in, the apartment had many things wrong inside. No hot water, light bulbs out, freezer door broken, dryer didn't get hot, washer didn't turn on, lights flicker in the apartment (which they say is normal for the building), and patio was closed off due to exterior painting. (I feel like maybe a walk through on their part could of eliminated most of those problems and saved the new movers, me, some hassle) After a few weeks I got home late in the evening very tired and ready to go to bed and when I tried to get into my apartment the keypad would not work. It took me about an hour to even get in contact with maintenance since it was after hours, and then took about another hour before he could get to the property to help me. After fixing the lock, which I do appreciate, he then went on to tell me it was my fault why the lock would not open in the first place. Cool thanks for the help and the blame?? I have my dad visiting this weekend and I went to go use my oven to cook some cookies before I picked him up from the airport and I went to use my oven and guess what it doesn't work..... Now I have to find time in my dads and mine schedule this weekend which is already limited to schedule maintenance to come into my apartment when I am there.