Trisha P.

RUN RUN RUN RUN!!!! this place is so so scary and SO unsafe. first things first - I've lived here almost 4 years...3 weeks ago my BRIGHT ORANGE LAMBORGHINI was stolen right out the "secured" parking garage and my pink Mercedes was smashed into. we looked at security footage, the female manager did not seem concerned and told me she liked my nails while I was shaking in panic and fear. the security guard at the front who showed us the footage literally blamed me and said I "probably knew him" which I 1000% did not. mind you, he said this in front of the cops - who thought it was an odd response all around from management and security. that was the final straw - we have since moved while living there, there was a male older tenant harassing multiple women in my building - we complained, and they did absolutely nothing. this man threatened me multiple times and they still did nothing. management is new every few months - so good luck following up with anyone. cockroaches, rusty showers, horrible plumbing. I moved in with top notch security guards in the back, they replaced a person with an electronic arm that is never secure. all this for a whopping $9,000. oh and don't forget this is all basically air bnb now, a new tenant every couple days on the penthouse floor. I was constantly harassed at all hours of the night with ding dong ditchers. also - management told me they don't let people know about the crimes there because they 'don't want to worry''s so insane. the police refer to this place as an "Indian burial ground" - do not move in here. aside from it being WAY overpriced, its extremely dangerous.