Helen R.

I left the Palazzo about 6 months ago after living there for about two years, and I almost didn't write this review, but I feel like I have to. I would not recommend starting a new lease at the Palazzo. There were several issues when I lived there, including: - Noise: the walls are paper thin. I could hear my neighbor coughing at all hours of the night. I could also hear my upstairs neighbors walking all over the place. - Leasing Office: Tim, the property manager, is great and is probably the only one who cares. The rest of the staff in the leasing office are very rude / only focus on signing new leases as fast as they can. If you try to call the leasing office, good luck - they never once picked up the phone. They also regularly send very rude emails (to the point where Tim had to ask his staff that all communication go through him). Also if Parcel Pending ever breaks down, they act like giving you your package is some sort of favor. - Concierge: the concierge is managed by an external company, and the leasing office acts like it's not their problem, so there is 0 oversight. Things like packages, dry cleaning, etc. will go completely missing, they show up late so you can't pick up your things from them and they are super rude. Not to mention, when they are staffing the pool they are on a complete power trip. They enforce the "rules" only for people they don't like. Friends with the concierge? Then enjoy playing music at the pool at drinking out of glass bottles while you're swimming. Not friends? Enjoy getting yelled at for throwing out an empty bottle. - Parcel pending: one of the things that attracted me to the Palazzo was I thought packages would be secure. Parcel pending is constantly full, so packages just get left out in the open. - Fees: there are fees for everything from the moment you move in until the second you move out. Parcel pending has a $15 fee to join, parking is $25/month (insane given the price points of the apartments), and when you move out you have to pay to have the place professionally cleaned for the next resident. That is not normal - most places you leave it broom clean, then you're all good. Not so here. - Smoking: this is a smoke free community, but I constantly had cigarette butts on my balcony because my 4th floor neighbors were smokers. - Quality of Materials: the team who "renovated" the apartments must have never worked in construction before. None of my floors were level, my fireplace / mantel) wasn't level (so, when you hung a TV over it you had to either make the TV also not level or deal with a gap), there was a 3 inch gap between where my door ended and the floor. For apartments at this price point I'd expect better. It looks really nice at first glance when you're touring, but you'll start to notice these things when you move in. - parking lots: buildings 3 and 4 are a shit show ever since they took out the guard and installed the automated system. Anyone could have a fob and come right in, also deliveries could never figure out how to use it. Also, kids would ride bird scooters around the parking garage like it was a skating park. Net-net; each of these things individually is annoying but not really a big deal imo. However, taken all together it makes for a really unpleasant living experience that makes you question why you're paying the money that you are to live here.