Danielle S.

I made a Yelp account just to write this review. I am currently resident at the Palazzo West Communities building 4. I moved from New York to Los Angeles 15 months ago. When I first came to check the apartments out, they made everything seem perfect. That security was great, That the apartment would be in the front near the pool. Once they got me to sign the lease, I was in for a treat. The security in this complex is the definition of HORRIBLE. The gates are always opened, the doormen are never looking at who's coming in or asking if they even live here, nor smiling. It is just awful. You pay the price you pay to get luxury service and this is opposite. I witnessed someone a few months ago on my floor getting handcuffed by cops for sleeping in an empty apartment!!!!!!!!!! STAYYYY AWAYYYYY!!! YOU WILL BE STUCK! Every door that has a fob is never working, horrible customer service too. I am moving out in two weeks and could not be happier.