Cliff Canan

Great location, but not great management or staff. UPDATE (March '24): Sadly PTP has gone downhill. The water is currently turned off and has been all day, on the warmest day of the year so far. Had to go buy bottled water for the dog, can't shower or flush the toilet. They chose to "repair a leak" by shutting off all water in the middle of a hot day, and we're already way past their timeline to have water restored. Worse, the electricity for the whole property was out from 8PM-5AM a few days ago because they didn't have a qualified person on site to switchover to the backup power supplier. PTP management never communicated anything beyond an initial email saying the power was out. When it was finally restored, no message or explanation from management. Biggest complaint is the poor communication from management, when it exists at all. They over-promise and under-deliver, or go silent and hope tenants move on and forget.