Mary Pham

I've been living in this apartment for a 2 months now, and I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, the apartment itself is quite nice. It's spacious, well-maintained, and offers a comfortable living space. However, there are two major downsides that have started to overshadow the positives. The parking monthly fee are CRAZY HIGH. I understand that parking in the city can be expensive, but the charges associated with parking in this building are downright unreasonable. $300 a month! so be sure to add that on top of rent. The second issue is the utility fees, which are equally outrageous. I expected to pay for utilities, but the amount I'm charged each month is jaw-dropping. It's as if they're charging a premium for basic amenities like electricity and water. I've taken measures to conserve energy, but it still feels like an uphill battle to keep these costs manageable. One bedroom is $250 a month?! I'm also rarely home and this is the "fee" If you're on tighter budget, you may want to explore other options in the area that offer a more reasonable balance between rent and additional expenses. In total I pay about 3k a month for rent, utilities and parking spot for a small one bedroom apartment.