Charlie Donley

I must say, this may have been the worst leasing experience I've ever had in Philadelphia. I scheduled a tour with Aaron at 4pm last Sunday and arrived right on time. He was a bit late, but that was fine. While waiting, another gentleman came in and told the front desk that he had a showing set up as well. He sat down, and when Aaron came to get us, he brought both of us in! We then had to go over all of our rental preferences, etc. with a stranger listening in, and also had to listen to all of his questions/preferences, etc. This would have been fine if we knew in advance that scheduling was tight and we had a double tour, but we did not know. Aaron then gets a sticky note pad, writes down unit numbers and access codes, and hands them to us with a business card. He says that we will tour the amenities together, but then would go up to the apartments alone. Again, this would have been fine if we knew in advance, but we did not. We then could not ask any apartment-specific questions. Before leaving the leasing office, Aaron also packed his stuff up and brought his backpack, as if to leave immediately after showing us the units. It was very unprofessional and we felt very rushed. When we got to our first unit upstairs, the access code didn't work. We called Aaron, who sounded annoyed, but he gave us another code that did work. When we entered, the unit was very nice but it was shaking with loud music and heavy bass from the restaurant (The Hadley), which was 18 FLOORS below. You could hear the music so loudly and feel the bass, it was very off-putting. Mind you it was 4pm on a Sunday. Overall, the leasing experience was extremely unprofessional and obviously the music from The Hadley was a no-go for us. Maybe it was a one-off, but we weren't willing to take the chance. Hopefully this experience isn't universal, but wanted to share my experience so that others on the fence don't waste their time!