Pankti Kadakia

I would NOT RECOMMEND living here at all. Physically, it's a beautiful place to live but management makes it very ugly. Beginning of the year, an unnecessary and last minute change was made to the shuttle bus schedule that did not settle well with the residents. I have sent many emails because this change greatly affected the residents since we had to change our schedule around at the very last minute. However, after countless amounts of emails and many follow ups, because management does not respond in a timely order and when they do, you receive a very generic response and not all of your concerns are addressed, nothing was done about it. After almost 2 months of emailing and asking management to meet in person, we were finally able to discuss all the issues in person. During this time, the Regional Property Manager was phoned in who defended the general manager and stood up for him saying things like he cares about us and all these other things to defend the general manager's honor. Funny how the Regional Property Manager was saying all this, and not the on site general manager. I asked the general manager for an apology for the inconvenience they have caused us and his response was that he does not feel the need to send out an apology email because this does not affect all residents. That's understandable, but then why do I receive emails about parking permits when I don't have a car or about all the pet policies when I don't even have a pet? If the email does not apply to us, we'll simply ignore it. I also asked why residents weren't asked their opinions about the upcoming shuttle bus changes since we're the ones who ride the shuttle bus on a daily basis, not management. The response was that if they were to ask 20 people their opinions, they'd get 20 different answers. But isn't that management's job, to accommodate us? Every time a service request is performed in our apartment, I get called daily asking if the request was completed until I respond. They have time to do that but not ask residents their opinions? Do you really want to pay thousands of dollars to live in a building where management doesn't even care about you? My problems with Park Towne date back to last Spring 2019 when we initially tried to move out. But due to management's poor lack of communication, we were financially forced to renew for another year. Can't wait to see what issues arise when we move out in May 2020.