Rachael Travers

Edited to Add: In response to George's comment, the section of the lease that outlines the cleaning charge specifically calls out the cleaning charge for carpets. Our apartment was not carpeting, so the cleaning charge is not warranted. I would stay as far away from Park Towne Place as possible. My husband and I were a corporate relo to Philly and initially thought Park Towne would be a great place to stay. In our one year tenure, it was the WORST renting experience we've ever had. (1) Many members of the community treat it like a frat house. Our neighbors had loud parties Wednesday-Saturday night EVERY SINGLE WEEK. It destroyed our productivity and ability to sleep. Though we complained many times, it took Park Towne several months to even start the eviction process (as a note, these neighbors were eventually evicted). This is in addition to the loud and invasive construction currently going on in the East Tower. We would never have signed a lease if we knew that they would be remodeling the bottom floor with loud and invasion construction every day starting at 7AM. Though Park Towne did offer a few 'free breakfasts' to compensate the East Tower residents, they consistently never showed up or showed up late. (2) Though they advocate Luxer (their shipping program) as state of the art, it is terrible. At one point, they randomly took me off the account because my last name doesn't match my husband's and sent back all my mail. When we got married, we lost around $700 worth of wedding registry gifts, including some 'irreplaceable' personal gifts. Luxer was no help and Park Towne management did nothing until escalated several times, where they offered us a $500 reimbursement. (3) Park Towne contracts out their front desk people and does not hold them accountable. Even if the front desk team gives a solution, management won't honor it. The front desk also consistently loses keys, which is incredibly frustrating. (4) During our tenure, we dealt with both roaches and mice. When elevated to management, Mark (Community Manager) initially said "try and find a place in Philly that doesn't have mice." We also had to work with management over and over to try and get an exterminator. (5) Get ready to pay for unclear fees. Though our rent was ~$1800, we regularly paid over $2400 because electricity/gas is shared. So even if you're not home for a month, you'll still end up paying a couple hundred dollars for others to use their electricity. (6) When we finally did move out, Park Towne charged a mysterious cleaning fee and tried to charge us for an extra day's rent. We're still in the process of fighting about $200 in charges.... TBD if we ever get the money back. There are lots of places in Philly with better service and places that are more affordable for the same level of service. Run from this place.