Andrew Y

I recently moved out of park town place. I'll start with the pros: It's a really nice well kept property, particularly the common and outdoor areas. The negatives: 1) Management is atrocious and does not even approach being customer or renter friendly. 2) My brand new renovated apartment had rodents. I have read reviews from before the renovation stating this was an issue but had assumed the renovation would have taken care of it. This was not the case. The pest control service they have contracted was completely inadequate, all they did was leave sticky traps which did nothing, no attempt was made to do anything more comprehensive. Please see the attached pictures of a mouse in my sink while i was doing my dishes. My attempts to contact the community manager were largely ignored. 3) My car was towed while I was away one weekend despite me having a payed parking spot. Apparently my windshield sticker had fallen off, though I find that hard to believe since this never happened before or since. One would think they would double check the license plate prior to towing a tenant's car. I was originally told I'd be reimbursed, this did not occur. I had to go to a very dangerous part of Philadelphia to pick my car up late at night and payed something like 400$ cash. 4) Good luck getting your deposit back, I was charged for supposed damage to my walls which was just peeling paint and the result of their shoddy paint job. 5) The AC and heating units break frequently. So to summarize a valiant attempt was made to put lipstick on the pig that is park town place however after a few months there the truth becomes evident. The place would be quite nice if not for the horrible management.