Allan E.

BE READY TO FORFEIT YOUR SECURITY DEPOSIT AND THEN SOME!!!! This property was a decent place to stay, Until you move out. They will nickel and dime you on normal wear and tear for a unit. Items that touch up paint will fix, they charge you a complete paint job. If your shoes leave any marks on the floor, they will charge you to polish the floor. They seem extremely desperate to keep your deposit and I was charged $400.00 extra as a departing gift from Park Towne Place. They try to validate their position by saying it's in the lease and they go over it. They should just say that they are going to charge you for everything they deem to be wrong with the unit. I've lived in apartments for the last 16 years and NEVER have I felt as SCAMMED as I did moving out of Park Towne Place. MOVE IN KNOWING THAT YOU ARE GOING TO FORFIET YOU SECURITY DEPOSIT AND MORE!!