Jeff L.

The community manager, Patrick McGarry, really ruined the memory of this place for me. It's a shame, considering I spent $40,000.00 with Park Towne Place and people like Scott Seeley and John Sweeney were really solid on the customer service side while I was a resident. Scott and John understand service, consistently putting the client before themselves, whereas Patrick just lets his ego rule the conversation whenever he pleases. Patrick does not understand customer service, at all. Unfortunately, Patrick is the community manager, so watch out. The second that my final bill was paid, Patrick treated me carelessly, cut me off multiple times while I was talking, and actually hung up the phone on me for asking to speak to someone who might better be able to assist me with a system he was having a hard time with. He seems to struggle with technology, which is fine, I simply needed to talk to someone else who knew how the online portal worked but he seemed so frustrated by my request. Moments later, out of what I can only assume was childish anger, Patrick actually locked me out of my own account that I was told I would have another 15 days of access to for record keeping. Then he called me back a few minutes later and started acting like nothing happened without apologizing or explain his bizarre behavior--I felt like I was dealing with an angry hormonal teenager or something. Eventually John had to step in and clean up his mess, which of course he did easily, because John is a rational and intelligent business person who clearly cares about customer service. Park Towne has a number of people like Scott and John who work hard to try to make your experience great, but it only takes one person treating you like garbage to muddy the waters. #parktowneplace