Danielle K.

I would never recommend this apartment complex to anyone. Although the apartments are aesthetically appealing and seemingly come with wonderful amenities, I have found that what is advertised does not match the true experience of living here. As you can see below, the cons of living here significantly outweigh the pros. Pros: - Location, near the river and quick access to major highways - Availability of assigned parking spots (but at a significant cost) - Grocery store located in the common building (super friendly staff) - The pool (when it is actually open) and outdoor spaces - Newly renovated apartments, nice kitchens Cons: - The apartments are unable to simultaneously have both A/C and heat running. They switched the HVAC unit to heat early in the fall. There was a stretch of about a week where the weather was over 70 degrees. This left many resident's apartments, including my own, reaching temperatures over 85 degrees for an entire week. No explanation or apology was sent to residents. Those who reached out to management were simply told to "open our windows" and deal with it. The windows only open a few inches. I was unable to comfortably function or sleep in my own home. I cannot imagine working from home at this time. - PTP canceled the commuter shuttle in the middle of a pandemic. This left many residents who are healthcare workers without a means to get to work. Management stated it is because there are not enough people using the shuttle for the cost of the shuttle. However, they have not offered any reimbursement on our rent. - You can hear EVERYTHING through the walls and vents. I can hear chatter from multiple surrounding apartments through vents in my wall. I am not referring to muffled noises. I can make out entire conversations of multiple neighbors, including my neighbors upstairs who think it is appropriate to be having parties throughout the pandemic. I hear at least 3 different dogs barking throughout the day. It is difficult to sit in the apartment and do anything productive without having headphones in the entire time. - Prior to many of these issues coming to light, I renewed my lease. Management attempted to significantly increase my monthly rent and parking (a $75 increase in monthly parking). This was during the height of the pandemic when 0 of their amenities they advertise were open. This was while they were simultaneously sending out emails attempting to show their "concern" for residents who were unable to pay their rent for the month. - I have lost hot water multiple times for multiple days since moving here less than a year ago. - Many people, including staff, do not wear masks around the buildings. Capacity limits are not enforced in common areas which means even though amenities are now open, those of us who want to safely use them cannot do so (I.e. fitness center). - You are required to pay a $50 dollar fee each year for a locker service for packages. This package service became overwhelmed during the holidays to the point where all of the residents' packages were just put into a large room to sort through ourselves. - No consolation or rent reimbursement has been offered throughout the last 10 months of amenities being intermittently closed. I know many individuals, including myself, moved to this complex for its amenities.