Ross C.

Beautiful landscape but Very poorly run facility. They seem to waste your money on "improvements" that are not needed and ignore key problems like faulty appliances, and waste control. The pet owners here are very nasty, in general, and irresponsible allowing their pooches to poop all over the sidewalks and grassy areas, not bothering to pick it up. The management dose nothing to enforce pet free areas or even reinforce the need to pick up dog waste. I have a pet myself and I am disgusted by the mounds of poop all over the sidewalks and lawns. I can't allow my kids to play on the beautiful "great lawn" area because of all of the feces everywhere. For the rent they really should do a better job at either policing the tenets or screening them better, but I know that will never happen as they have made that clear.The tenet resolution personnel consistently ignore requests for change. Another concern here is all of the hidden fees and lack of parking. When I signed my lease I was told there is enough parking here for every apartment. That was a BIG lie. The waiting list for parking is pages long. We have been waiting for over 10 months and are still no closer to parking.