The new Manager is unresponsive, doesn't answer her emails. I've been repeatedly raising up issues through e-mail but nothing, not even a 'message recieved'. like shouting in the void. Ive been killing roaches every night like clockwork since may. the parking was absolutely no problem here, until they made it one, just to paint a stupid number on the ground and charge people 15$ more a month. This month, they had an "error" in calculating parking fees, so they emailed us to wait until the 4th, that "they will tell us when the issue is fixed". as of writing this that email is not sent out yet. I go on the 4th to check and lo and behold, they charged me 100$ extra for late payment, even though it was them who said hold off. I spoke to The new assistant in person the next business day, he told me that it will be fixed, and i will be refunded for the extra parking they charged me, and the wrongfully taken late fee. almost 20 days later, that has not happened yet. I truly dont know how you can royally mess up property management THIS bad. If you actively try to run a complex to the ground, it would take you at least 6 more months. I cant wait until my lease expires.