I lived here from July 2011 to June 2012. I thought it was a great price for the location, and our apartment had been updated with new fixtures and "wood" floors. After we moved in, the "wood" floors started leaking glue, getting all over our furniture and rugs. Management was very accommodating at first, saying that they would replace them if they didn't stop leaking glue, but that never happened. Also, our place was broken into three times, and I had to fight with management to let me out of my lease. Every time I talked with the management office about it, they said it was up to their corporate office, and they didn't have the power to do anything. Then I would try to call the corporate office, but I was not allowed to speak with anyone at corporate except the customer service rep. They avoided doing the right thing by keeping me away from anyone with the power to help me. Finally I started leaving my story on review sites to at least let people know to avoid the place. That's when they agreed to let me out of the lease. When we did the moving out checklist with the head of maintenance, he said "Oh, there's a simple fix for this sliding glass door that kept getting broken into." It would have cost them $5 to put in a security measure that would prevent those break-ins, but management was more concerned with denying any liability than attempting to improve the safety of their residents. Other issues we had were: high water bills (about 3 times what they should be) because the pool was supposedly leaking and the residents were being charged for it, instead of having the pool fixed; a snarky assistant manager who treated you like you did something wrong whenever you complain about something (although in fairness, that person is likely not there anymore). Maybe things have changed since June 2012, but BEWARE!