It was a total horrible experience overall. The Staff is insensitive to the issues so is there customer service. All we expect is some empathy and compassion to the issues we are facing as residents due to your poorly managed units. My horrible experience with the Staff helped me to make my mind. Here is the list of the issues you need to consider if you are planning to move there - 1. Centipedes and roaches - I have seen centipedes lurking around my bed many times. I was lucky to wake up before getting stung by those creatures. Please buy an Insect Killer and have it ready all the time. 2. Leaking Roof- The bathroom sealing started leaking, I reported and I did few follow ups with the staff. It took 1.5 months for the guy to turn up by that time I was not able to use bathtub or take shower in the master bath. The sealing was totally ruined and they have replace the whole bathroom sealing. So expect a good turnaround time to get your issues fixed and DON'T expect any sympathy or concern from management. 3. Extra Fees - I extended my lease for 1 month and it was in the middle of the month. The Staff or their Accounts department did not update me about the change in the payment date if you renew in the middle of the month. I was charged $ 100 late fee in addition to the $ 200 renewal fee. So ended up paying $ 300 more for those 15 days. For the next 15 days unbelievably they were charging me a full month's rent. When I spoke to the staff they said it was the mistake of the system but I will have to pay $ 100 extra for late fees. So I ended up paying $600 more for a month. I spoke with the property manager about this, he said it will get corrected within 48 hours which never happened. If you can't keep up the promise then don't lie to clients. Also he lied to me that $ 100 has been waived which also never happened. I checked with the customer care and as expectation they reprimanded me that I should know all these things when I sign a lease so well done. So have your budget ready to pay any extra additional fees if you are planning to move there. Due to these issues when time came for renewal, I decided just ran away as fast I can. Good Luck for your search !