Luisanna Corona

DON'T MOVE HERE!!!! Run!!!! I don't know how many times I requested to fix the air conditioning, around 10 times and it always mess up again. What do i need to do so you put a new unit? Also, when are you going to fix the kitchen ceiling that every time the people that live upstairs use the dishwasher my kitchen flood? I stop requesting service and start fixing things on my own because they NEVER fix it completely. I have roaches in my kitchen and bathroom, I have mold in the guest bathroom, I also request to change the curtains because some of them are broken. I DON'T KNOW WHEN ARE YOU GUYS GONNA TAKE SERIOUSLY THE PROBLEM. I will not renew the contract next year, worst condominium ever. The only reason I stay here is that I was pregnant and can't move ALSO THEY steal your Amazon package!!!!!!!!