Brittany Keeney

15 years living in apartment under associations, PLANTATION GARDENS Is the WOST associated apartments of all. YOU PAY for EVERYTHING. Parking per vehicle ( no guest spots and you're not allowed to have anyone over after 11 PM without registering their vehicle even if it's only for 10 minutes, you will be towed ).. Amongst paying for parking you need to pay for a laundry card putting cost onto the card, paying for water( i've never heard of an apartment association and where you had to pay for water) sewage, rent, dumpsters, garbage pick up (in which don't come at the times they're supposed to so the association tries to fine you). A pest fee. When since I've lived here not one exterminator has come into my apartment yet every building and every apartment is German roach infested. 84% of the apartments have black mold growing in and outside of the walls. The only positive to living in this apartment complex is you learn how not to be financially finessed when you do move out of this hell hole and onto a new home. I signed my lease for $1300 somehow in someway I end up paying $1600 a month for a 4 x 4 mold and roach infested box. Lesson learned.