Dana Williams

Horrible place to live. I am about to break my lease that how bad it is. Hate it..had a car accident last month totaled my car but I was told I still have to pay for parking even tho I don't own a vehicle anymore. ridiculous, unfair and rip off. They charge for everything.. sign a lease for $1277 a month but I pay no less than $1410 every month it goes up. I wish you would publish this so people will know how horrible your community is and not to live here. Maintenance sucks, I've had to hire a handy man twice to fix my issues regarding the electrical issues in this apt. Plumbing issues is ongoing so I pay almost $100 a month in addition to my rent for water & sewer due to a faulty leaking problem in the master bedroom. But thanks be to God I close on y beautiful 4 bedroom 3 bathroom house with pool, keys in my hand I am getting the hell out of this place asap. Worst community I have ever lived in my life. yes people its true about the pest problems too you pay for pest control but the roaches here are out of control. Also some crack heads live above me and I barely am able to sleep at night due to their constant noise disturbance and fights and arguing over drugs between 12 am-6 am when I am trying to sleep.