Tanisha Vaughn

I wouldn't recommend anyone to rent from here! My stay was ok up until September 2015 when I started experiencing a MAJOR RAT infestation in my apartment unit in Bldg 14. I caught 1 rat and 2-3 weeks later there was another rat in my unit tearing up my furniture (brand new) and shredding the carpet apart, leaving rat feces all over the place even near my headboard in my bedroom. Pest control was notified & all they did was lay stick pads down with peanut butter which DIDNT work because the rat managed to get on the trap & escape off by biting through the sticky pad. Maintenance couldn't help because they're not trained to deal with pest control issues. I paid $1233 for the month of October and only was able to sleep in the untit a total of 4 nights due to the rat behavior scratching on the walls, above my head in the attic. A complete rip off right? You pay so much for rent and can't occupy your residence in peace! My neighbor next to me also said the same thing he was experiencing rat occurrences & stated that he had killed 13 so far! 13!! So gross! He also spoke with "regional manager" Jose & stated Jose told him that in fact he was the only tenant in building 14 that has been complaining about the rodent issue. Such a liar! I spoke with Jose the "regional" manager and voiced my concerns about the matter and he seemed very nonchalant about to situation! I even mentioned I was going to go to the Broward Health Department he told me I can go to them but they're in compliance with the health department! The health department told me in fact they're not because the property is suppose to be liveable and people don't live with rats on a day to day basis. I asked Jose if I had to pay for a hotel for a few nights so the issue could be addressed would I be re-compensated he stated "no, unfortunately that's something we don't do" I also mentioned to him how the rat was chewing up the carpet and he stated to me "that's pretty odd & dosent seem like rat behavior" well I asked him what is rat behavior because apparently he dosent know! I also have pictures & videos of everything the rat has been doing within my unit and offered to send it to Jose he never gave me his email so I can show him and prove him wrong on this rat behavior business. I am completely disgusted with Jose, plantation Gardens Aprtments etc. I wouldn't even consider renewing my lease of they offered me a unit in a different building for cheap! NOPE! Absolutely NOT! So consumers if you're looking for a warm home and would live to occupy your residence in peace without rodents chewing up your furniture, urinating on your carpets, chewing up carpet, leaving feces all over the place, this is NOT a place for you to stay/ pay your money to!!!!