Whitney McGill

Pretty much whatever you read here is true. You think your moving into a great place but it ends up turning into the movie the money pit. Well at least when it come to management that is. Good luck trying to ever find anyone. They all don't work weekends and when u need them there no where to be found. Usually hiding in there office avoiding people's complaints which is all the time. Kids are super rowdy and tend to vandalize the property. Be careful when you take your dog into the dog park. Kids throw trash and objects in there so watch you dog closely. Also a lot of people don't take care of there dogs so there's fleas in there which they DO NOT spray for at all. If you start getting sick constantly it's probably mold growing in you apartment. A resident who used to live their was hospitalized with pneumonia and almost died. They like to cover things up and send "there" people out to inspect but literally are a bunch of idiots who act like they know what they are doing. When I lived there I had my blinds replaced THREE times and they still never worked. And the pet fee! What a joke. The guy below is right. Where does it go to? Probably there bonus who knows but it won't be included into your move out fees. You WON'T get you deposit back if you have a pet that's a fact. They give you the whole it's a pet friendly environment bull crap story but will still charge you to replace your carpet even if you're a clean freak! They will tell you they will charge $50 to clean your carpet but once someone comes out to do the inspection will tell you right away that they will regardless rip the carpet out. Even if it's perfectly brand new, because of the fact you have a dog. Dog/Cat= carpet replaced no matter what! You try not to paint the apartment a color because of you do you have to repaint the walls white. Never painted my walls EVER...and they charged me to paint my WHITE walls WHITE again...what a joke. They talk about breed restriction not aloud. You can throw that rule book out the window. They allow pitbulls, huskeys, Great Danes you name it and don't say nothing to no one. Nothing but pot smokers there, and police show up often to walk the grounds. Don't fall for the cheap security deposit they throw at you... That's a way to sucker you in to the lies and deceit they have to offer. Bugs infest this place, look like hard shell black worms.. Had them for 6 months prior to moving in and they will tell you it's a seasonal big...also if you leave your trash out at certain times of the day wayyyy before the trash guys come and get it you will be charged $50 for leaving it out that's the excuse they use to get rid of the GIANT rats that infest the buildings. Simply disgusting... The laundry rooms... Forget about that... You can never get your laundry done ever because someone is always tying up BOTH washers and dryers and leave them in there for hours... Your clothes ALWAYS smell like straight ass! From washing your clothes with someone's ball and vagina juice. Simply nasty! I wouldn't write a review unless I ABSOLUTELY had to. But I'm just clarifying that what you read here it what you get there... And everyone's hit the nail right on the head with this one.