Pissed O.

The list of complaints here could make a book. The trash is a constant eye sore every time you drive in or out. The had 2 trash compactors that were always over flowing and they never fixed the problem. Great idea lets build 2 more dumpster locations so we can have the trash spread out even more. They can't even empty the dumpster so now the smell is surrounding buildings that previously didn't have to deal with it. You have to pay for parking per vehicle even though there is no accountability. Half of the vehicles are here illegally but no one cares, nothing is every done. The office hours are ridiculous and not conducive to getting any thing fixed and the staff is always overwhelmed. Most of the time there is one agent to handle over 400 units which is ridiculous, wait times can be 2 hours sometimes or more. Because they maintenance staff is to busy picking up the trash all over the property everyday no one responds to work orders in a timely fashion. Issues remain for days and weeks and no one is in a hurry to fix anything. Complaining does nothing as they just ignore everyone and provide lip service just to get you to go away but no real progress is every made.