WOW! Read the reviews that are not good ( AND MOST IMPORTANTLY - the last part of this review). They are telling. I was going back and forth with the manager. Appointments kept getting made and cancelled. Texts at all hours (which I found out were automated and not even a person.) The morning I did get an appointment... found out the manager walked out and there was a corporate person there that flew in from another state. CAN'T keep managers because it's a sleazy place. That morning the listing said that they had 11 apartments. I get there and the new "manager" takes me to see an apartment. She tells me it's a 3 bedroom... I said that I was okay with a 3 bedroom But, I had expressed that I really wanted a 2 bedroom with a view. She proceeded to tell me that THIS was the ONLY apartment that they had available. Period. No view and probably the worst location on the property. I told her that I only was interested in a unit with a view. Then... she said, "well we do have a 2 bedroom with a partial view in another building... but, you don't want that one...) She had just emphasized that they DIDN'T have any other units available. ONLY this one. I said... I wasn't interested in that unit and asked to see the public spaces... just in case another unit because available... I looked at her and asked..." How much is the unit that you just showed me... in case I can't find another one?" She looked at me and I kid you NOT.... said, "It's $3200 today if you take it and sign up today. It Goes UP every day after that and if you wait 2 weeks to sign the lease... It would be $5500 per month... " TOTAL SLEAZE.... I wouldn't rent from people like this if my life depended on it.... and now they are showing 13 units available for a place that only had that ONE... and DIDN'T have ANY coming available part