Kevin A.

I've been a resident for more than 4 years and can't wait for my lease to end and get out of here. Read the reviews closely - the positive ones usually come from new residents that are often enamored by the modern interior design, great views, and nice location. The negative ones, which are many, are from residents like me that have lived here awhile. The management of the property abysmal. Property managers turn over every few months, always with email from the parent company describing how committed they are to find a great replacement. Managers are rarely on the property and when they are, they are focused on leasing the many open units, or sending silly emails about how important it is to follow community rules, with no follow up. There's one maintenance guy for the entire property. He tries hard but has an enormous backlog and is always apologetic for the long delays in responding to service requests. BTW - when you see responses from the property to these reviews, they are not from a real person that is onsite and familiar with the property.