James R.

RENTER BEWARE. We just moved out after a single year lease and this has been the most hellacious experience at an apartment complex we have ever had. First: Hidden Fees for "amenities" You pay for your parking spot. 150 a month if you have an electric vehicle, 50 a month or more for garage parking and 35 or more for a standard space outside. You have garbage "pickup" which is 35 a month and comes when they feel like it. often it stacks up for days. Never discussed when we signed lease and the fee is mandatory, even if you want to take your own trash to the dumpster. You pay for the amazon locker system (50-100 a month) which again was never discussed during lease. Rent is 5k or more so if you want a cheaply made/designed complex with poor customer service and a rotating door of staff (all of which have been barely high school educated and dont seem to give two cares about their renters) then this is your place. Construction: Never communicated to us until the day prior. They are tearing up a significant portion of this complex and we hear jack hammers, trucks and equipment ALL DAY, starting at 7am. Its super peaceful and enjoyable. Parking: When they started construction they eliminated parking to 80% of the lot for building 6 and 7. This left people with families, disabilities etc. ZERO options for parking close to their building. You would think for 5k a month you would be able to park fairly close to your home. Not the case here. Fixtures and Interiors: Incredibly CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP. When you tour, it looks nice, seems legitimate but let me tell you, after only one year here we have had massive plumbing issues that required us to have no showers or water for two days several months ago, paint that chips and falls off the ceiling when neighbors walk too loud above you and little to ZERO maintenance of the grounds. Staff: We have lived here one year and there have been three to four different "managers" (i say that with a huge amount of sarcasm) running preserve. The "madame" or "boss" of this group is a woman from Dallas, TX who shows up once a quarter or so and addresses nothing for the community and then leaves. If you are looking for consistency, service or any level of superior experience for your 5k-10k per month....this isn't the place for you. Rules: We are supposed to keep our patios and parking spots clean and organized so we don't look like a back alley way complex. Nobody abides by this and it isn't enforced. People walk their dogs and there is animal poop EVERYWHERE because nobody picks it up and the maintenance team does nothing. Lease renewal: You will be charged 20-40% increased to move to month to month after your lease runs out unless you sign an aggressive and poor value lease for another year to three years. They make it impossible for anyone to stay a year or less at a reasonable rate. they also tell you in the beginning that they dont raise rent over 5%, that is not the case and they will rip into your wallet the minute they have the opportunity. Access: There are no handicap parking spaces near most buildings (pretty sure this isnt legal) and there is no easement or ramp for people who are in wheelchairs or who cant utilize steps. Already reported this and not sure if it is mandatory or not, but if you need a ramp, dont come here. The views are great, but you pay for them and frankly, for 5k or more a month, you have a lot of options....even in Marin. SAVE YOURSELF THE TIME, MONEY, FRUSTRATION and HEADACHE and stay away from this nightmare and their nightmare staff. The place is trash.