Sarah H.

First, the good: The Preserve is in a beautiful location, with wonderful water views and great access to Ring Mountain trails. Very convenient from a commuting perspective, whether you take the ferry into the city, or get on the 101. Great school district (Reed in Tiburon) if you have school-aged children. Other than the location and local amenities, the actual apartments and the living experience is terrible. The sheer volume of tenant turnover is clearly a testament to something being wrong with the property. We saw probably 50-75% turnover in our building in the year we were there. * It is close to impossible to get a response or engagement from the building management on anything. o We had a leak in our unit and black mold (photo attached). It took a month of fighting before they were responsive or would fix anything (they had endless people out for estimates, which were requested by "corporate". We had an entire room blocked off as a biohazard and yet to get them to take any action required herculean efforts and daily follow ups on our part. Given I was pregnant at the time, living with black mold and having zero responsiveness from management on the issue was pretty scary. It's not just an annoyance - it's an unsafe living environment. o Our bathroom flooded as there was a pipe blockage somewhere above us. We were bailing water out of the shower and dumping it into a sink in the other room to prevent it from flooding the bedroom. The entire time we were on the phone with the emergency line who was "leaving messages for approval to get a plumber in". Again, the mysterious "corporate" must approve everything. o The fire alarm went off in the main entrance and could be heard throughout the entire building. It was deemed to be "not an emergency" by the powers that be and they let the alarm continue going off for over 24 hours, throughout the night. o The people who lived below us smoked (the entire complex is non-smoking). When we spoke to the individual who lived there about it and he slammed the door in our face, we asked for help. Not one email (of which there were too many to count) on the subject to the property manager was ever answered. The entire landing of the floor that he lived on reeked of cigarette smoke so it was hardly an insignificant issue or one that wouldn't be noticed. o Moving out was comical. We gave THREE months' notice (the lease stipulates 2 months' notice if you are not renewing) and they charged us 3K for "late notice" which took time and aggravation over a month (well past move out) to get them to correct. I probably wasted 20 hours of my time on emails and VMs that were never responded to or never got us anywhere closer to resolution. I truly believe that things like this are not errors, but ways for them to try to pull one over on you and hope you don't notice or simply leave you so frustrated that you would rather pay than deal with them. Essentially, once you sign the lease, you're on your own and they don't even have the decency of pretending to care. * The building construction itself (as evidenced by the examples above) is bad. There is virtually no sound barrier vertically between the units. We could hear every footstep above us, knew every TV show they were watching, and could hear every toilet flush. In the year we lived here I can honestly say I have never had a good night's sleep. It wasn't the fault of the people above us, it's just simply that the apartments have no noise barriers whatsoever. After a year at the Preserve, I could not be happier to be leaving. The poor construction of the units is one thing, but the complete and utter lack of responsiveness, communication and sheer disrespect that the property management shows towards the tenants makes living there a painful experience.