This review is based on the staff at the Preserve and it's parent company AIMCO, rather than the facility/location. First off, I hate to complain, and the apartment, the onsite pool, gym etc, are all fantastic However it is very clear that the staff only care about getting you in and receiving your rent check each month, as soon as you become a tenant they simply ignore you! The lack of response and down right inability to perform is shameful, especially for a place that charges around $5000 for a two bedroom. I have made multiple (around 8) complaints over the last 6 months about the noise coming from the upstairs neighbors and absolutely nothing has been done - despite it saying in the lease that if a noise complaints are made you will have to put down rugs/carpet on the hardwood flooring. Most of the time they don't even call you back, or they set a time to call and then don't pick up. It's been 6 months! Unfortunately that isn't even the reason that promoted me to write this review... I actually just had two mountain bikes stolen from my parking spot (they were chained up securely, but the thief had bolt cutters) and when I told this to the manager (the new manager who was brought in to replace the last one) she simply replied, "yeah that's been happening a lot recently." Well thank you for the warning!! She went on to explain that there are no security cameras on site, at a place that is as expensive as this?! This is very poor in my eyes. other issues include, but are not limited to; -$140 per month for trash (up from around $70 when we moved in) - very, very slow to fix anything on-site. - even slower to fix things in your apartment. - top fire-pit has been out of action for weeks (maybe months) - pool unheated for weeks (maybe months) - The staff can be quite rude... when i asked why they don't have water in the communal fridge anymore the lady replied quite harshly "I stopped buying them because everyone kept drinking them all.".... well yeah, that's the point! Anyway, apologies for the rant, but 6 months of deprived sleep due to constant banging, running, and screaming from upstairs has left me very frustrated.