Sarah A.

The management here is horrible. They will do whatever is needed to get residents into the units, but once you are here and paying them they don't give a crap about you. They never respond to emails/calls and are never in the office. There are never enough parking spaces around (even though we pay to have a spot). There is no air conditioning (which is horrible because it can get extremely hot in the spring and summer). Our pool is essentially the community pool that is entirely open to the public and nothing is done about this. I was really excited about being able to use it when we first moved here, but now it is completely overrun with random people at all hours of the day. I'm also pretty certain that the management is stealing from the residents because the $140 a month that is charged for trash is beyond insane. This is on top of numerous "miscellaneous" charges that are tacked onto the rent. So expect to pay a significant amount above what your "base" rent is every month (which is already super high). I've lived in a lot of places in my life, but I've never been this disgusted with a management team before (and don't be fooled that there is a "new" group of management here because they are still awful). Stay as far away from this place as possible!!!