Chris Beaver

This apartment complex has proven to be a regrettable choice for residence due to a number of persisting issues that are inadequately addressed by the management. Among the most prominent and distressing of these problems are the defective doors and windows, a concern that the management is fully aware of, yet exhibits an alarming lack of urgency in rectifying. The lengthy repair times, often extending to several months, leave residents subjected to uncomfortable, cold living conditions, and expose them to potential security risks. This situation reveals a disturbing negligence on the part of the management, demonstrating a concerning disregard for the safety, comfort, and well-being of the residents. The management's inability to swiftly address these critical issues, coupled with their dismissive attitude towards resident's complaints, paints a picture of a poorly run establishment that fails to prioritize its residents' needs. Moreover, the overall maintenance of the apartment complex leaves much to be desired. From faulty gym equipment to a generally unclean environment, the complex consistently falls short of providing a satisfactory living experience.