Madelyn O.

not a bad place to live, convenient location, large bedrooms. HOWEVER, when it comes time to end the lease, you don't just pay the last month in rent, you pay the last couple days that trickle into the next month too! My roommate and I were surprised to be charged for 4 days without being told! Both of us have never heard of this, when your lease ends that's it you pay that last month and be out by the last day of your lease! This place is so money hungry to trick people into paying so much in only a couple days left. And when asking to clarify the charges, my roommate was spoken to so rudely about it. They also increased our rent a few hundred dollars just to renew our lease for another year when they did nothing to upgrade our apartment. And then to renew a third year they tried to increase rent AGAIN. It is not worth $2600+ with splintering cabinets and no other upgrades to the kitchen or bathroom. Not to mention my bedroom the heat was broken, and we'd get mice in our second floor apartment all the time, our cats were better pest control than whatever they were charging us for monthly! The front door to our building wasn't secure, the lock was "fixed" but if you pulled at the door it would still open because the frame was splintered off. DO NOT RENT HERE! You can pay this much for something much nicer and safer!!