Isabel Cristina E.

I'm being living in here for almost a year.... since we move in, I'm being addressing the same issue... we have a 2 floor apartment.... first, the noise from upstairs was just a lot, but management said that it was because they were moving out. once the first people left, we got new neighbors not even 2 weeks after.... same issue, but worst.... they wait to make noise, drop heavy objects and moving what sounds like furniture, after 11 pm all the way until 4 and then again at 5 am to 7 am... after complaining, the answer was that they wanted more details about the noise but the manager has sent a message with the policy of the quiet time. 3 days ago, same awful stuff loud banging so, we knock the ceiling and the neighbor came downstairs (this was at 2:30am) saying that he didn't knew that someone was living here and that he always stays awake playing video games until 4 or 5am. which means that either management never reach out after they told me that they send a few reminders with the policy or that the neighbor is a liar... which is funny, because he apologized but he is still doing the exact same thing... same loud noise late at night without even caring that we told him that we have a baby here... Either way, not worth the money because you can't sleep, and management is not doing anything even with a lot of complaints about the same issue.